Uncyclopedia:Pee Review/HowTo:Face Your Upcoming Death

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HowTo:Face Your Upcoming Death[edit source]

Please be cruel to me. It's the only way I'm going to improve my writing skills.--CandidToaster 20:29, May 15, 2011 (UTC)

Humour: 9 This is really a "comedy is in the eye of the beholder" article. I think this article is really funny, but then again, I like dark humor a lot. Someone who doesn't appreciate black humor is not going to laugh at this article. But I did. I really liked the way the article falsely takes a look at the "bright side" of the situation, i.e., the idea that the reader is special enough to warrant kidnapping and assassination, is somehow something to be happy about. The same thing holds true with the part about imagining the future that will never be - a false positive spin, very tongue and cheek, very funny. I also like the nihilistic tone, and the false hope about avoiding a lingering death, just to obtain a painful lingering death because of the stomach shot. To improve the article from a humor standpoint, the only change I would make would be maybe to expand it. It is funny enough that I would like to read more.
Concept: 10 The concept is very good (again, if you like dark humor). It's universal, as the article acknowledged: everybody dies. Here, however, is where expansion would be great. What about covering more ways to die? Still, this is a minor quibble. Also, an allusion to just why the victim reader ended up in his or her situation could be really funny, if done correctly.
Prose and formatting: 7 The writing is good, but could use a little bit of work in terms of the tone. As a how-to guide, some of the sentences and ideas are a bit long and complex. I tend to think of how-to guides as simplistic and written for the lowest common denominator. Maybe more steps and headers would help here. Of course, the problem there is that such an audience probably would not appreciate the black humor in the article, so this is kind of a bind.
Images: 9 The images are very funny. They range from serious to silly to very dark, and they are all appropriate. The pictures of the bullet are particularly gruesome, and thus funny for purposes of the article.
Miscellaneous: 8.8 I used the Pee Review Average function
Final Score: 43.8 This is a great article (in a dark way) and I really wouldn't change much.
Reviewer: Sir NoNamesLeft CUN NotM 04:44, May 17, 2011 (UTC)