Uncyclopedia:How To Be Funny And Not Just Stupid THE IMAGE VERSION

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So you've decided to make an image for an article. Follow these tips to insure the success and public acceptance of your image.

LESSON 1[edit source]

If it's not funny the first time, don't keep doing it.
Not very funny: Bouncyuncyclogo.gif Still not funny: ReallyBouncyuncyclogo.gif

LESSON 2[edit source]

Don't try to 'improve' a good image. You suck if you do this.
Funny: Godpissed.png This is funny.
Not funny: Weirdgodflip.jpg This is not funny.

LESSON 3[edit source]

No f***ing shock images. You do that, you die.
Goatse: Black.png You didn't want to see this.
Lemonparty: Black.png Or this.
2 Girls 1 Cup: Black.png Or even this.
Rule 34: Black.png If the image is very explicit, please censor it.

LESSON 4[edit source]

As a general rule, this is how not to retouch a picture.

A picture is a perfect complement to a good joke. But only if it is well-made. Chopping up a picture of Tony Blair's face in MS Paint is not well-made (unless you're making the picture look bad for a satirical purpose). Taking time on the picture and using a professional program such as the GIMP or Photoshop to make it is advisable, although some of you will be able to knock up decent images on Paint. Most importantly, don't use an old picture that you found on the internet, no matter how sure you are that no-one else will have seen it, use your own imagination to produce something better.

Summed up:

  • Making an image? Do it well.
  • Using MS Paint? Do it well.
  • Thinking about uploading an image you found on the web? Do it at your own risk.
  • Be creative.

LESSON 5[edit source]

Don't be afraid to ask about your image if you're unsure. Ask friends (if you have any) or just go on Discord. Get others' opinions on it. Ignore the pompous imbeciles that regard your request for input as noobish. If all else fails, use Pee Review, Reefer Desk, or something.

See also[edit source]