UnNews:Uncyclopedia Writer "Videshi" Gets Frustrated
15 January 2007
Shock and surprise was felt in Dongbaek, Korea this afternoon when Videshi, a well-respected Uncyclopedia author, began to feel frustrated by the lack of humour and originality shown by a "significant portion" of its writers.
"It's just not fair", said Videshi in a press conference later that day, "...some people work hard to write original and funny articles, only to have them edited by morons who think phrases like "ass-rape" in-and-of themselves are funny... Ass-rape is a serious issue, man, unless put into proper context."
A growing trend on Uncyclopedia since it's inception, the owners and talented writers who claim a part of it have worked hard to dissuade unfunny people from adding pointless contributions. Every day, swarms of non-contextual phrases, pointless drivel, and unintelligible blather spew from unfunny people. Though it is suspected that a large potion of said writers are Americans, some writers who share ideals with Videshi claim that unfunny people can be found anywhere; not just the US, but all over the world.
Another growing trend is a lack of proper grammar which, if placed well, can also have humorous impact; but for the most part distracts the reader from the intent of the subject. Though the English language may be a difficult language for many to master, there are plenty of guidebooks readily available over the internet.
Shortly after his frustration began there was a backlash by people who defend free speech, and those who questioned Videshi's own sense of humour. Having no other defense, Videshi referred to himself as "Funnier than you, and probably more egotistical, too". At first Videshi just bored his co-workers by ranting about the problem itself, but soon came up with a better plan: as a self-proclaimed tireless worker towards a funnier society (or "Funnyationalistic endeavourer", for comparatively short), Videshi started to think of different ways he could improve the situation. Taking what has been called an "off-the-wall" approach, he began to write an UnNews article on the matter.
"One can only help that this approach will prove effective", finished Videshi "But in the end only time will tell. The fuckers might just edit it."
Videshi also cautions all old and new writers to study the Beginner's Guide as well as the How To Be Funny And Not Just Stupid page.