UnNews:Putin and Bush patches up their relation on a date in Maine

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3 July 2007

Although they fought between one another bitterly during the years of their tempestuous relationship, they still know how to make up.

KENNEBUNKPORT, Maine With a concerted effort to resolve their differences, Bush and Putin had a romantic lobster dinner on a relaxing date over the weekend, but also had a serious discussion of patching up the damage they had done to their relationship over the years. "I know Putin and I argue too much over petty things, but I just want him back," Bush said, "we may not have always seen eye-to-eye on weapons of mass destruction or the war on Iraq, but I shouldn't have let it impact our relationship while the two of us could be so happy having one another." Putin was willing to concede also for the sake of their relationship. "I overreacted when he placed those ballistic missiles in my backyard, I realize Bush has a rash temper but I should have had a discussion with him about his problems instead of blowing up in front of him." Afterwards the happy couple, in their new reconciliatory spirit, took a long, slow stroll on the beach by the sunset, they held each other's hand and stared into one another's beseeching eyes. "When I looked deeply into his eyes and saw his soul, I remembered the man I met six years ago, and all the anger in my heart melted and I only felt the greatest admiration for him," Bush said. After the walk, they went for a romantic lobster dinner where the both of them were seen wiping the corner of each other's cheek and fed one another buttered lobster on bread and champaign. While the general public is glad that Bush and Putin are no longer angry at one another, no one knows how long this honeymoon will last. While the two couple held hands and vowed together to fix all that's wrong in their relationship they have promised that before and did not succeed. The two promised to seek marriage counciling, but the general public is skeptical and believe that their new-found love for one another will fall apart like too many times before.

The trouble between Bush and Putin go way back, so far back in fact that it was before the founding of both America and Russia. However, it mainly began when Bush and Putin had arguments about the invasion of Iraq. Putin was torn to pieces when Bush showed insensitivity to his feelings, often sending him to tears as he packed his bags and threaten to move back with his mother and never return. The relationship went on a precipitous dive just last week when he refused to remove missiles pointing at Iran that he had installed too close to Russia. However, when the two met with one another in Maine they rediscovered what it was that made them so passionate for one another, and there are hopes the two will finally patch up their differences. But knowing the tortured pscyhology and sordid history of both these men, Sir Richard Cheney said, "This ain't gonna last more than a few days."

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