UnNews:Professor X denies sexually abusing young mutants
30 April 2014
Professor Charles Xavier, the creator of the X-Men, has denied one young mutant's claims that he is part of a super-powered sexual abuse ring based in the crime-fighters' hometown of Winchester, New York.
Young mutant Michael Egant, who can make fire appear from his fingers when he enjoys a proximity to a source of natural gas, claims that he was subjected to drugs, alcohol and mind-control by Xavier, who was part of a wider "group of adult males similarly positioned in the mutant world".
Egant has also sued two other unidentified men in relation to the charges - a German-Jewish immigrant and a Canadian lumberjack.
He claims he was lured into a sex ring with promises of auditions for joining the X-Men, but was forced to have sex with men with special powers.
"Winchester has become a kind of Mecca for mutants," Egant says. "Everybody rocks up there thinking that fame and fortune is just there for the taking, everybody wants to be in the X-Men, but what you don't realize is that there are people who use their power to abuse you.
"And their powers."
Egant then went on to list harrowing details of the abuse, including being forced to masturbate a man who "turned to metal halfway through, and seemed to ejaculate that stuff you use for soldering" and an unidentified female abuser who "could make herself intangible and like stuck her hand inside and through my butt at the same time."
Xavier made a brief statement saying the accusations were unfounded, and then everything seemed to just turn off and when we all came around, he was gone.
Sources[edit | edit source]
- Leverage, "X-Men director Bryan Singer denies 'sick' abuse claims" BBC, April 30, 2014
- Bret Easton Ellis: I was invited to one of Bryan Singer's parties . Entertainment Weekly, April 30, 2014.