UnNews:Mother has FB page removed from favorites
25 April 2013
A Brazilian judge has ordered a 13-year-old boy to help his mother remove a Facebook page that was upsetting her from her Favorites, so she can stop looking at it and crying.
Dolores Pereira Coutinho, 50, had been left distraught after friends and relatives began leaving messages and tributes on the profile of her daughter Juliana Ribeiro Campos, who died tragically last year.
"This wailing wall just makes me suffer too much," she told UnNews. We told her we thought that it was an excellent pun.
"On Christmas Eve many of her 200 friends posted pictures they had taken with her and recalled their memories. She was very charismatic, very popular. I cried for days," she said.
Sra. Coutinho initially contacted Facebook, pressing the social network's office in São Paulo for a decision over several months. In March, she took the case to court, arguing the page was causing her distress.
The judge, the right honorable Edson Arantes do Nascimento, ruled that removing the page would be the online equivalent of removing flowers from the scene of a car accident, and thus made him "feel creepy". Instead, he recommended that the sociology professor simply "stop looking at things she doesn't like," and made a special request to her son to remove the page from Sra. Coutinho´s bookmarked pages, as Sra. Coutinho doesn't know how it all works, and when using the computer frequently says things like, "Oh, it's all gone."
"This way you can grieve in your own way," concluded the judge, "and stop fucking telling other people whether they have the right to remember your daughter or not."
Sources[edit | edit source]
- Jefferson Puff - that's his real name, his name is Jefferson Puff - "Brazil judge orders Facebook memorial page removed" BBC, April 25, 2013