UnNews:Man blames zombies for car crash

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11 April 2013

The illegal raspberries.

A man accused of stealing an articulated lorry and crashing it into several cars, injuring eleven people, two dogs and a mouse told police he was trying to flee zombies.

Isaac Keller claims he swerved from side-to-side across the road in an attempt to shake off the living dead creatures clinging to the truck.

The 19-year-old allegedly stole the 18-wheeler lorry, carrying a load of illegal raspberries, after hitching a ride with truck driver Terry Gonzales in Texas, which is the last place anyone would expect zombies to be.

When the trucker got out of the vehicle at a bridge, Keller says he began to see that zombies were coming after him and accelerated onto the highway. Police say he was high.

The teenager collided with several cars, causing a pile up which injured eleven people, before flipping the big rig on its side, blocking the carriageway for three hours, which allowed the alleged zombies to swarm the truck and almost kill Keller.

Two people were badly hurt in the crash, and two people were bitten by the alleged zombies including a 19-year-old woman who remains in hospital after suffering a serious head injury and severed artery.

Texas Highway Patrol Office Benjamin McEwan said: “He was arrested at the crash scene and appeared to be in an altered state, claiming he was being chased by zombies.

Keller, from Tennessee, pleaded not guilty to six offenses, including assault with a deadly weapon-the illegal raspberries

He also denies reckless driving, vehicle theft, attempted vehicle theft, driving without a license and involvement in a hit-and-run resulting in injury.

He is currently being held on $1,000,000 bail at a Detention Center in Houston, Texas, and is due to appear in court again on April 17, if he does not succumb to a bite that allegedly came from a zombie.

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