UnNews:Kate Middleton portrait gets mixed reaction
12 January 2013
LONDON, England -- The art world was divided yesterday in its response to painter Paul Emsley's portrait of Kate Middleton, the Duchess of Cambridge, and current host of the nation's future heir(s) to the throne.
Waldemar Januszczak, art critic for the Guardian, said he was not impressed by the painting. "I think she's been let down really by the picture. In the end it's yet another pretty ordinary painting of a royal of the sort that we've been really churning out for the last few hundred years in Britain."
The Sun's critic, Gavin Kessler, was however, more positive, although he seemed to think it was the work of a child: "I think it's a blooming lovely picture of the princess of our hearts. I think all the people having a go at this kid should leave him alone. It was a lovely gesture."
Emsley himself said in a television interview, "It was the right choice in the end to have her smiling. That's really who she is, a person who smiles," he said.
When the interviewer pointed out that Middleton's eyes are in fact brown, he replied, "I only had a black and white photo from the newspaper to work from, so I made her eyes blue, because I like blue," he said, before adding, "I don't have any pens or pencils on me to colour them in right now."
Becoming emotional, he confessed to having difficulties: "She has, of course, many features, and not all of them were easy to paint. I am good at hair, but I couldn't get her nose right. And I have never been good at doing women's lips. I try and make them nice and big so they look feminine, but then it all goes wobbly. Next time I am going to try to draw it in pencil first and then paint over it."
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have not been available for comment, but are said to be planning to give Emsley a free trip to Paris and a Mercedes Benz for his trouble. Mind the tunnel Paul!
Sources[edit | edit source]
- Leverage, "Kate portrait artist Paul Emsley: 'I tried my best'" BBC, Jan 11, 2013