UnNews:Hunter Moore struggling to find something worse than revenge porn
4 December 2012
CALIFORNIA, USA -- Hunter Moore, creator of IsAnyoneUp.com has admitted to experiencing difficulties in devising a new project more repellent than revenge porn, but has dropped hints over a possible future site.
"Do I worry that I peaked too early? Absolutely. It's very possible that at 25 years old, I had an idea - to humiliate people by providing a platform for showing their private sex tapes and giving links to their Facebook accounts - that I will never better."
Previous interviews with Moore had found him making suggestions that his new website would go one further than providing people's social network links, and actually give details of their real addresses, something which he now denies: "I was just putting the feelers out there. There's something visceral about posting sex tapes. The new website won't have that element, so I was tossing around a few ideas, and I thought, 'Addresses!' but I don't know, now I am moving in a different direction. Now I am creating something that will question if you ever want to have kids. I am making something very scary but yet fun." [1]
IsAnyoneUp.com was something of a mixed success: at its height, its advertizing brought in $20,000 a month, but on the downside, it also led to several suicide attempts among the women and gay men who featured in its uploads. Moore sold the website last year and reflected ruefully, "I sold it because I hated what the media turned it into and it could never be what I wanted it to be," [2] thus joining a long list of romantic idealists who found the image of their revenge porn websites completely distorted by media coverage.
Commentators have seized on the hints given by Moore about the nature of his new page. Joanna Corey, Technology Analyst for the National Enquirer told us: "Hmm. OK, so children. Won't want children. Scary… Is it a site where sexually abused children are filmed beating and defecating on adults? A sort of Kids Say the Funniest Things for the jaded porn-addict generation?"
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Sources[edit | edit source]
- "Anonymous target revenge porn site owner Hunter Moore" BBC, December 03, 2012