UnNews:Google increases its 65th language for Google Translate Laos
19 September 2012
MOUNTAIN THE VIEW, California -- Google announced today that it has added to his repertoire the Google translation, making it the 65th language service support.
He has requested that sometimes Laotion, is spoken in Lao P.D.R., Thailand, United States, France, Canada, China, Australia, New Zealand, Argentina. In Lao P.D.R., it can access. By 2006, there were a reported 5.22 million speakers native.
Google is the tag "Alpha" in Lao P.D.R. for a time, which is not good for a company. Google Translate product administrators to Minqi Jiang said in a blog posted on the Google translation is.
Team Google translation is constantly working to improve the translation automatically for both the languages for which time some, and for language unavailable now that quality translation has been standard launch us. This work includes collecting information from systems that we can learn and grow smarter; Changes in the algorithms behind Google translation; And grammaticality of the translation. We have much work to do yet but we are hoping to open in the future.
In the last month, Google added some camera functionality to Google Translate for Android, making services more useful in all situations travel. Now, you can take photos to be written in unfamiliar one, and get it translated.
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- Chris Crum "Google Adds Its 65th Language To Google Translate With Lao" WebProNews / Technology, Sep 19, 2012