UnNews:Glenn Beck's holiday escalates

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24 August 2011

Inside we're all crying.

JERUSALEM, Israel -- American broadcaster Glenn Beck is to stage a "Restoring Career" rally on the edge of Jerusalem’s Old City today to demonstrate to the world that he continues to exist.

Beck argues he wants to stand shoulder to shoulder with the people of Jerusalem that don’t look too Arabic: "They are going to attack the centre of our faith, our common faith, and that is Jerusalem. And it won't be with bullets and bombs. It will be a death ray from a giant laser cannon being constructed by European liberals in a place called CERN.”

Joining Beck on stage at The Jim Davidson Centre will be actor John Voight, mayor of Jerusalem Nir Barkat and cartoon dog Scrappy Doo. The audience will be made up almost exclusively of American Christian Zionists who signed up for package holidays that also include two other Beck events: “Snorkel with Beck” and “Beck Helps You Understand Your Body”.

Such is the controversy erupting around the proposed rally; protestors have gathered from around the world to click the word “Like” next to the Facebook group heading: “We Don’t Particularly Agree With Glenn Beck”.

Administrator of the group Sally Burbon told UnNews that if Beck's rally went ahead, there would be further protests physically outside the actual venue: “We’re not just going to stop at this Facebook group,” the Australian accountant remarked, “If Beck insists on antagonising the local Islamic population with his provocative behaviour, we will start another Facebook group called ‘Residents of Jerusalem Should Stand Outside The Davidson Centre and Protest’”

Additionally, fellow group member Peter Walsall is already taking steps to escalate his activism to Twitter: “I’m going to use all 140 characters,” the Wisconsin student promised.

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