UnNews:Fuss during debate over pension system in Poland
21 March 2011
WARSAW, Poland -- The Polish National Television has organized a debate over a pension system in Poland. The debate was meant to concern around money transfers to Open Retirement Funds as a government plans to reduce those transfers and wants to keep more money for themselves.
Polish TV invited two opposing economists - Leszek Balcerowicz - the advocate of Open Retirement Funds and Jan Vincent Rostowski - the Polish minister of finance, who acts exactly as the Polish Prime Minister wants him to do. They were supported by an expert (Tadeusz Mosz) that tried to explain everything to viewers.
Here, we want to present you this debate in abridged form.
(...) Jan Vincent-Rostowski: So... The Open Retirement Funds waste money...
Leszek Balcerowicz: But, I think you are wrong
Jan Vincent-Rostowski: Let me finish, Leszek!
Leszek Balcerowicz: But I need to point...
Jan Vincent-Rostowski: I'm presenting my point of view now.
Tadeusz Mosz: I think that our viewers may be confused. I will explain...
Jan Vincent-Rostowski: But, Mr. redactor...
Tadeusz Mosz: But Mr. Minister...
Jan Vincent-Rostowski: But, Mr. redactor...
Tadeusz Mosz: I will just...
Jan Vincent-Rostowski: But...
Leszek Balcerowicz: If I may...
Jan Vincent-Rostowski: Leszek, you don't understand!
Tadeusz Mosz: As our spectators do... So, I will try to put some light on...
Jan Vincent-Rostowski: But Mr. redactor...
Tadeusz Mosz: If a rich aunt from America...
Leszek Balcerowicz: I think...
Jan Vincent-Rostowski: But...
Tadeusz Mosz: ...will come and bury some money...
Jan Vincent-Rostowski: Mr. redactor!
Leszek Balcerowicz: I'd like to...
Jan Vincent-Rostowski: But I need to say...
Leszek Balcerowicz: Please...
Tadeusz Mosz: I will explain it to our viewers.
Leszek Balcerowicz: Jan, you are wrong.
Jan Vincent-Balcerowicz: But Leszek...
Tadeusz Mosz: But...
Leszek Balcerowicz: But...
And so on...
This way the today's debate was twice as stupid as the yesterday's one and triple as stupid as this one broadcasted last week.
Sources[edit | edit source]
- Polish National Television