UnNews:Facebook blocks Pakistan over 'satirical content'

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21 May 2010

Protestors in Pakistan demand access to the social network site, Facebook

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan -- Facebook on Thursday blocked access to its website in Pakistan -- a day after it shut down the Facebook parody page -- in response to an online Pakistani group calling on people to spoof Facebook.

Facebook blocked its access signal to Pakistan Telecommunication Authority "in view of growing satirical contents on it," Facebook officials said in a statement.

A PTA spokesman said Thursday it was blocked after all "possible avenues were used within our jurisdiction, including using regular channels available on Facebook to apologize for derogatory material placed on their website."

Facebook said "a small technical adjustment is all it took to prevent Pakistani users from accessing this page," and that Facebook had corrected the problem as quickly as possible once they became aware of it.

"While it may be considered objectionable to some, the Facebook parody pages and Group in question do not violate our policies," PTA chairman, Ali Jinna said.

The objectionable page was off-line as of Thursday morning Eastern time.

Facebook was "very disappointed" to be blocking Pakistan, but could not stand to be satirized. "Parody is funny, but depicting Facebook as a red devil - with pointed tail and horns - nailed to a cross, is just too much!"

"We are analyzing the situation and the legal considerations, and will take appropriate action to stop this derogatory content," a Facebook spokesperson said.

Ali Jinna of Pakistan's telecommunication authority said the block "is related to the objectionable material that our users placed on Facebook.

"We have been blocked for an indefinite amount of time. We are just following the infidel style of humor. If Facebook decides to unblock us, then we will be back on line," he said. "Otherwise there is always available camel porn!"

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