UnNews:Dullsville featured on Wikipedia's Main Page

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14 April 2007

Dullards can use a Wiki now?

MAIN PAGE, Wikipedia -- In a surprise move, Wikipedia has featured a suburb of Perth on its Main Page.

This has lead to beliefs that the account of Raul654, a high ranking member of the Wikipedia Cabal who decides what propaganda goes on the Main Page, has been hacked by people in Perth. They have nothing better to do.

King Jimbo, the head of the Wikipedia Cabal, refuted this claim. He cited the fact that people in Perth couldn't edit a Wiki. They are resistant to change.

The feature was noticed by 60% of people in Perth. They had nothing to do on a Saturday. The other 40% would of noticed but couldn't as they were outside of Telstra (Australia)'s internet coverage area.

The Premier of Western Australia, Alan Carpetlayer, said this was the publicity the state wanted, having spent millions of dollars on other crap in the past, in a effort create awareness amongst potential tourists. The several million dollars the state spent on the Red Bull Air Race in 2006 is an example of the W.A. government's "Lets bring ten more tourists to Perth" campaign. Raul654 is said to be happy with his gold bars, which he received as a gift from a fan of Wikipedia. It was branded as from the Perth mint. Carpetlayer refused to comment when asked about the gold bars.

It is believed people in Adelaide are shocked by the decision. They claim to be more dull than Perth. Reports of people "up in arms" in Quebec City are also coming in, with a large stench cloud heading towards New York. They are French-Canadian after all, thus the complaining and the smelly armpits. The United Nations is shipping crates of deodorant to Quebec so the cloud doesn't come to New York, which, unsurprisingly, is the home of the U.N..

The official website of Western Australia went down due to the increase of traffic, doubling from 10 to 20. This left the site in a state of "404 Not Found", much like the people who live there.

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