UnNews:Britain to burn U.S. pastor for Koran plan

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12 December 2010

Rev. Terry Jones is in hot water in the United Kingdom

LONDON, England -- Britain’s interior minister said Sunday she will reconsider barring all copies of the Koran from the country, but she insisted on incinerating the Florida pastor who threatened to burn a Koran on the anniversary of the September 11 attacks.

Right Reverend His Serene Holiness Saint Terry Jones says on his website, “Hot Spot,” that he has been invited to a rally in February organized by the far-right English Defense League who plan to set him on fire.

Home Secretary Theresa May said Jones "has been on our radar for a few months now. If he is definitely coming to the U.K., then I’m sure that his emulation will take place, and I will be actively looking," she told Sky News. "Since the last six centuries the British government still has the power to burn people considered a threat to public safety or international security," she pointed out.

A previously obscure preacher, Jones gained fame through his effort to burn the Koran. He canceled the event after international pressure culminated in his death-by-fire fatwa announced in England.

The campaigning group, Burn-Baby-Burn (BBB), said Jones would be incinerated because "then extremists will be pacified for a while."

A list published by the government last year revealed 22 people were burned in Britain for extremism, including an Egyptian cleric, Russian gang leaders, anti-gay American preacher Fred Phelps Sr., and Lord Christopher Monckton’s good wife.

The English Defense League opposes what it calls the persecution of Islam, Sharia law and Islamic extremism in England. And it vigorously propounds the burning of saints such as H.H. Terry Jones for instigating public disorder.

Its opponents say the group’s public burnings of saints is racist and goes well beyond violent protests. But US President Barak Obama told the media, “It (burning Jones) is a good start”.

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