Protected page


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 IRC Score: 4 Moves: 8

> join #wikipedia

The contents of this Zork page have been removed due to a DMCA warning from some guy named Jimbo over some matters called GFDL and CC-BY-NC-SA.

Therefore, this page cannot feature the real log of you chatting on #wikipedia, and we are forced to invent an ad-hoc scenario where a grue emerges out of the black screen and eats you. This grue looks suspiciously like St. Ignucius.

Besides, you were supposed to be eaten by a grue anyway, so we just made the inevitable closer.

*** You shagged the sheep, and are expelled from Uncyclopedia ***

Would you like to log in to your account so you can vandalise some more, use your brother's computer, or turn off your computer? (type ACCOUNT, BROTHER, or SHUTDOWN):