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UnNotPron: Tips, Tricks, Hints, and Dicks
Balls! Balls!

So, you want to be better at UnNotPron. Good for you. This page will consist of several useful artifacts to help you with this journey.

Hints[edit | edit source]

  • Level 1: Click.
  • Level 2: What is the other name to call the Moon? If you edit in the ASBOxAAT series, this is the antagonist.
  • Level 3: Anagram Hellu Front. You'll know you succeeded if it contains a word that means artificial grass, a word for the region of one of the Greek God's area, and a two letter preposition.
  • Level 4: Take it seriously.
  • Level 5: Read Useful Resources. Find the file.
  • Level 6: You may need to go on the official notpron main page, or the Wikipedia page for notpron.
  • Level 7: The file is called 7A for a reason. Overlay them all.
  • Level 8: Although not needed, viewing the audio as a waveform helps alot. The beginning notes are your alphabet.
  • Level 9: Similar to Level 3. Alien.
  • Level 10: Those abbreviations are places in the ___ _____ capital of the world.
  • Levels 11-30: Well, it was fun helping you. But now, you are on your own. Use your knowledge! Be smart! Use the materials I've listed below!

How to succeed[edit | edit source]

Useful Resources[edit | edit source]

All of these are free.

Tips[edit | edit source]

Remember, if you're stuck, try everything! Like, everything. Like, literally anything. I tried to make this fair.[citation needed] If you see some gibberish, who knows, it might need to be decoded with Caesar Cipher!

Useful Terminology[edit | edit source]

I'm too lazy, and as such, I copied and pasted this from here, with slight adjustments.

  * Acrostic - a form of steganography where a message is spelled by the first letter of each line, word, or other segment
  * Anagram - a word or phrase formed by rearranging the letters of another, such as cinema>>iceman, dog>>god, and "Hidden too in Celeste">>"Liechtenstein Doodee"
  * ASCII - the American Standard Computer Information Interchange; a common method of encoding characters into numeric representations. Numbers are encoded at points 48-57 (0x30-0x39), uppercase from 65-90 (0x41-0x5A), and lowercase from 97-122 (0x61-0x7A)
  * Base64 - a number system consisting of normal digits, uppercase letters, lowercase letters, "+", "/", and "=". An "=" can only appear at the end. Base64 can be used to encode text through a system like ASCII or other media (images, etc.) as a binary stream.
  * Binary - a number system consisting of only zeroes and ones; base 2
  * Caesar Cipher - a cipher where each letter is shifted over by a set offset.
  * ROT13 - The most common version of a Caesar Cipher, rotating all letters by 13. A>>N, for example.
  * Cipher - a method of modifying data to hide it from other people who don't know how to decipher it.
  * Hexadecimal - a number system with 16 digits; base-16, (0-9, A-F); used in computing as each character can represent four binary digits. Usually prefixed with 0x.
  * Morse code - an alphabet or code traditionally used by radio operators where characters are represented by dashes (-) and dots (.) (or long and short signals)
  * Pigpen Cipher - also known as a tic tac toe cipher, a simple substitution cipher in which letters are fragments of a grid
  * Red Herring - a "clue" with no purpose, meant to mislead the players of an ARG.
  * Spectrogram - often abbreviated "spectro"; a graph of frequencies used in audio with respect to time
  * Steganography - the act of concealing messages within another medium. Should not be confused with encryption or ciphertext.
  * Substitution Cipher - a family of ciphers involving monoalphabetic codes, where letters of the original ciphertext correspond to different letters or symbols.
  * Vigenère Cipher - a Caesar-like cipher where the offset varies based on a keyword.

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