UnGames:Make it to Ketchikan/GGG-30

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The old nomadic lifestyle isn't easy when you're the only one around.

Gophers: 0 Glaciers: 0 Gerbers: 0

You approach a strange tent, which upon closer inspection, resembles a yurt used by nomads of Central Asia. A particular Uncyclopedia IP user, apparently from Kazakhstan, comes out and yells about you being on his property. The rest of his country has long since moved past the yurt, of course, so to keep the ancient lifestyle alive, he fled to the wilderness of Moccasinia.

After calming down a bit, he tells you:

👞І şээ тңдт ұөц’ѵё ғоциd му тэйт. Ъзсдуsё šө ғеш отһёяs ңаѵе dөиэ şцсң а тніиg, І ғіğцяе чөц’яе шоятңү оғ тнэ ғоłlощійg қиөшłёdğэ:👞


"We apologize for any slight inaccuracies in our portrayal of the Kazakhs. Well, actually we don't." -Bat Fuck Insane Publishers, Inc. 800px-Kyrgyzská_jurta,_Song-köl.jpg