UnGames:Escape from Ojai/Face the danger (moccasin)

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You're about to face whatever is making that noise, when a tiny ray of light shines the creature that was growling. And when you see its face, you stun in shock. It's not a wolf, nor a bear, nor anything like what you've seen before. It's huge, and furry, and swole; it has tiny dark eyes and giant jaws that could easily swallow you whole.

It was then when you remembered what your father always told you whenever it was too dark to go outside:

Your father had always told you about this kind of creatures before; menacing monsters that were always devoring whatever living being they saw walking near them. But you had always thought they were simply legendary creatures invented to scare children from going out during the night, like dragons or the queen of England. Yet here it was, menacingly looking at you. A [[grue]].

But then you remember you're not defenseless against the grue. You have a moccasin. It might sound like a crazy idea, to try to slay such a dangerous monster with such a tiny object; but it's all you have right now. You hold tightly the moccasin in your hand, and with a sway of your arm, the moccasin impacts the grue.

And then it happens.

The moccasin opens a big hole in the grue's body -a hole way bigger you were expecting a shoe would be able to cause. Rivers of blood start flowing out from the hole, causing the grue to panic. He runs off, but he trips and starts bleeding on the ground. The grue slowly loses its life, in a gory a painful way. Until, it's cold dead.

You did it.

You slayed the grue.

The grue you slayed is now burning in hell!

But this is far from over. You're still out in the dark night, with no way to see. There's still a lot of dangers to face. The moccasin may have proved to be a strong weapon, but you don't know how far you'll be able to get with only a moccasin to defend yourself. On top of that, you can't see the lights from the shack, meaning that turning back isn't an option anymore. What will be your next move?

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