Save the Planet |
Climate change ♻️ Deepwater Horizon oil spill ♻️ Global Boring ♻️ Global Cooling ♻️ Global warming ♻️ Gore Theory ♻️ Greenhouse effect ♻️ HowTo:Insulate your loft ♻️ Ozone ♻️ War on Terra ♻️ Wind generators |
Save Mother Earth |
Gay whales in Darfur ♻️ Plant ♻️ Seal Clubbing ♻️ Well-Oiled Birds ♻️ Why?:Destroy the Rainforest ♻️ Why?:Nuke the whales ♻️ Why?:Save the mooses? |
Decriers & Deniers |
Al Gore ♻️ Lord Christopher Monckton ♻️ Alfred "The Lorax" Ramsey ♻️ Greta Thunberg |