Talk:Protest Warrior

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from da piss

Humour: 4 it rambles. Focus it more! Chop it down to size. It has a bunch of random lists: get rid of ALL LISTS. It has a bunch of randomness: GET RID OF IT. I'm thinking of what people on VFH will think, is all. Is "Protest Warrior" an organization or a person? Make that very, very clear to the reader.
Concept: 7 Hmmm... Kind of a weird idea... what's with the minitrue template? OOh, I get it... it's a government organization?
Prose and formatting: 5 Erk! The first sentence has a grammar mistake. Go through the article. Also, the article's pictures (which there are WAY too many of) are scattered willy-nilly throughout the article. Make them go either RIGHT LEFT RIGHT LEFT or RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT.
Images: 5 Get rid of a lot of the images. Commit genocide on them: leave only the ones that relate to the article.
Miscellaneous: 8 It was easy to tell that you're a liberal. I like that (you hate Ann Coulter! Woooo!)
Final Score: 29 Meh, maybe just sit and think up a new article. I could be wrong, though, and you could get another opinion. I can dish it AND TAKE IT, so tell me if I was helpful or not, please!
Reviewer:   Le Cejak <-> 03:25, 16 October 2007 (UTC)

image gallery notes[edit source]

  • First four pictures taken out of Protest Warrior's website, the last four I made myself.--Dark Paladin X 01:26, 24 September 2007 (UTC)