Note to all: I know somebody will probably object to "puella diligens penes est genu". Allow me, the author, to explain from 7 years of latin studies:
-Diligens, though an adjective, can also be adverbial. Hence both "hardworking" and "constantly" (i.e. assiduously). -Est is usually the word for "he/she/it is" but is also the older form of "edit" i.e. "he/she/it eats" -Penes is either the accusative plural of penis, going with "est" (she eats), or the preposition "dependent on" that takes the accusative (going with genu) -Genu is one of the rare words which is the same in ablative and accusative singular. So, it can either be the object of the preposition penes, or a normal ablative (on the knee).
Therefore, both interpretations are perfectly valid.
Iohnvs: Pedicabo ego vos et irrvmabo! (Yov're so vvitty, I ivst love yov)
Svsanvs: Fvtve te ipsvm, tvam mortem exspecto! (Oh thank yov, that's a vvonderfvl thing to say!)
soooo funny xD
We should have the u's in this article changed to v's. Crazyswordsman 16:34, 2 July 2006 (UTC)
- A lot of people wovldn't get it and it wovld make it really difficvlt to read. This article is actvally pretty fvnny. I say let's not do anything too drastic to its appearance. --Señor DiZtheGreat
CUN AOTM ( Worship me!) (Praise me!) (Join me!) AMEN! 16:46, 3 July 2006 (UTC)
- Actvally I think that the incomplete implementation of the 'v' to 'v' is fvnnier than a complete translation.
The u's as v's is genious
this is totaly ridiculus. im kindof offended, but not really
what would really screw with people is if we changed all the 'j's to 'i's.... and wrote in all-caps.
Im gana change as many words to have "w"s and "u"s :D "Lebull"
To inform you guys, in Latin, the only actual implementation of U's as V's was in capital engravings. In the texts written in papyrus or other parchment, the there weren't any V's because they only used lowercase letters except for the names of people and places. Everything was a U. Example: "nouum" instead of "NOVUM". Trust me on this one, guys. I've got a modestly hot Latin teacher who knows a thing or two. 14:18, 8 October 2007 (UTC)
That's right; Latin actually did have "u"s. How else would you have fourth declension words?
The only time that V replaces U is in engravings because curvy letters are a bitch to carve.
V replaces W. That's why the Latin word for "wine" is "vinum."
Ah well, this is a joke article anyway. :)
So, what. You're too lazy to change it so that it's actually mildly readable?
JESVSCHRISTMYEYES! Good job. Athils 06:22, 3 October 2008 (UTC)
- ... Actually, U and V are the same letter. Neither replaces the other. Modern orthography separates the consonant and the vowel, but to the ancients "novum" was NOVVM in stone, and nouum in wax. Well, actually, that's a simplification when you consider that Roman cursive is utterly illegible at first glance, and few letters resemble their modern equivalents. 17:41, December 14, 2011 (UTC)
suggestion[edit source]
I think someone should create a thing on the use of the hortatory subjunctive. Because I know the joke, at least in my Latin class, is that the hortatory subjunctive is used for "encouraging" people to grow gardens, as in "hortum surgamus": "let's grow a garden". If you're not in Latin, you won't get this. Something like "There's a special use of the subjunctive called the hortatory subjunctive, whose only use is to encourage people to grow gardens. No one knows why the Romans would have had a specific use just for this, but they did."
Another suggestion[edit source]
Can you make a box saying something like "this language has its own Uncyclopedia", with a link to ? Thank you.-- 19:38, 22 August 2009 (UTC)