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Saint Antié

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Saint Antié
Ludwig von Langeschlange was a captain of Heerwaffe who commanded Antié Team in 1935. This special scientific division of German Army studied on rocketry and later during WWII, they built up V1 rockets.
Real Name Ludwig von Langeschlange
Nick Name Saint Antié
Founder of Tesla’s Light Brothers, Antié Team
Successor Saint Draco
Period of Duty 1214-1453
Birth Place Bavaria, Germany
Astrological Sign Aries
Hobbies Alchemy, Mystism, Politics, Astrology, Literature, History, Music…..etc.
Favorite Team FC Bayern Munchen
His Weakness Germany
His Persistence Alchemy
Favorite Quote Ich habe immer gesagt…
Favorite Hero Parceval
“ Eine Schange ein Reich,

Zwei Schlangen zwei Reichen,

Keine Schlange kein Reich!”
~ Hitler on Antié

“ Die Welt ist scheisse mein freund!”

~ Goethe on Antié

“ Wir haben ein Reich!”

~ Nietzsche on Antié

“ Ein großer Mathematiker!”

~ Prof. Fiedrich Grünberg on Antié

“ An incredible genius! A secret mind, scientist and artist who guides the modern world...”

~ Salvador Dali on Antié

St. Antie (real name Ludwig von Langeschlange, b. 1081 Bavaria-Germany) German scientist, occultist and soldier. The founder of so-called organisation of Tesla's Light Brothers and their grand master. With his deep knowlegde about occult philosophy and alchemy he had achieved the secret of immortality and left his duty to his best 4 apprentices known as Tesla's Light Brothers. Then he began to work on rocketry researchs, it's so clear that he is the genius behind the technologic development on German side during WWII.

His Childhood and Younger Ages[edit | edit source]

St. Antié who was born as genius, after his elder brother’s sudden death when he was so little, had been always compared with him and pushed into a physicological stress by his parents. After losing his parents 'cause of disease at the tragedic period of plague which had destroyed 2/3 of European population, conduced him to be taken by the primitive German Science Association for his education and his development into medieval sciences.

As a result of his education on alchemy and occult philosophy, he acquired the secret of immortality when he was too young, so he achieved to remain young for long centuries and never faced with death. By the advantage of immortality, he developed his current high-level wisdom by taking his all attention to learning academic educations.

During his younger years, Ludwig joined some archeological researches and antropological excavations in central Asia and had very good relations with Turkish people and their shamans who live around that region, so they showed him respect and liked him very much. In the period of long time taking researching years, Ludwig repaid their affection towards him by personally joining their shamanic rituals and changing his religion to shamanism soon. By the ritual of a wise shaman whose name is still unexpressed, he learned that his shamanic animal is a snake (German: Schlange) which his soul is bounded with.

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