Warning: this article has multiple issues.

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This artcile has very many isseus:

  • the word "very" is very overused
  • too sjort
  • very many tpyos
  • misuisng CaPS lOCK
    • nO IMAGES
  • using fucikng bad word
  • misuse of templaet:disambig
  • very bad mipslace of icu tag
Construction.svg This paeg neeeds some cotnent! Tryto make suer that
  • it loojs like a real encyclopedia articel, yu knou .with wrods and stufff
  • It has setcions, pagarapphs, and maybe an img or twp
  • it has lniks to other artticles.
  • it has a bodu to go wtih its soul
  • red links
  • [links]] that don't work becuase of very wrong sintax
  • lniks that don't wotk becaause of typo
  • incomprehensible scubbletaneous words that gnetangue pyrrodastrulates

=see aolso[edit | edit source]

wrongly categorized

Bloink1 solid.png
It is requested that an image or images be included in this article to improve its quality.
If possible, please add some pictures to make it into a full encyclopedia article and then remove this message. Do not remove this notice until it receives some pictures. Failure to comply will result in this notice being added again.
Pretzel disambig.svg

This is a disambiguation page – words should always mean more than one thing, and we're working hard to ensure that each word you look up refers to at least two completely unrelated articles.
If an article link referred you here, you should make it to point directly to the article where you think the confused link-maker thought it would point, or go nuts and pick one at random. Just make sure it doesn't point here.