Wrongly categorized

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Just look at it.

[[Category:Category:Actors Who Unbefuckinglieveably Suck So Much Balls It's Hard To Imagine What Money Grabbing Cocksucker Gave Them An Acting Role|

Category:Articles about a subject written in the style of fans of the subject|

Category:Articles containing intentional misspellings or grammatical errors|

Category:Articles needing translation to foreign-language Uncyclopedias|

Category:Articles replaced by one of the same name, but still kept around|

Category:Articles that somehow managed to avoid making any fart jokes|

Category:Articles that will probably never get featured, despite their popularity among Uncyclopedians|

Category:Articles Where You'd Fall While Looking for Bands or Musicians|

Category:Bands That Your Mom Secretly Listens To While You're At Work/School/Whatever It Is You Do During The Day|

Category:British Overseas Territories and Crown Dependencies|

Category:Categories created by people with too much time on their hands|

Category:Educational organizations based in the United States|

Category:Everything that is considered Gay in the Philippines|

Category:Forums created out of slight overreaction not created in 1927|

Category:Forums raising points that have already been addressed|

Category:I heard that the forums made by the Cool and Sexy Admin IP are funny ?|

Category:Members of the Internet Meme Recognition and Approval Committee|

Category:Musicians Who Suck So Monumentally That It Really, Truly Amazes Me That The Earth And Any Surrounding Planets And Quite Possibly A Good Bit Of The Afterlife Have Not Yet Been Swallowed Entirely|

Category:Organized Crime Figures Conflated with Cartoon Characters|

Category:People that were not at your house for dinner last night| Category:Singles certified gold by the Recording Industry Association of America|

Category:People who didn't fuck your mom in the kitchen last night|

Category:People who want every country to leave the EU|

Category:People Who Would Theoretically Taste Delicious|

Category:People with a giant portrait of Vladimir Putin on their walls|

Category:People you should never leave your girlfriend alone with|

Category:Teachers who let their students visit Uncyclopedia during class|

Category:The name of this category is long, don't waste your time on how many letters or words it has, or you would not have time to do anything else. If you want, I can extend the name to a whole paragraph.|

Category:Things Bigger Than Jesus, But Smaller Than The Beatles|

Category:Things that may be out to get some people, but not you. You're cool. Now pass the controller. It's my turn.|

Category:Things that you can sing to the tune of In the Hall of the Mountain King|

Category:Things you should never leave your boyfriend alone with|

Category:Things you'll find wandering the streets of New York City|

Category:Uncyclopedians by alma mater: University of Melbourne|

Category:Uncyclopedians knowing the truth: Stalin was an MI6 agent named Josh Staines|

Category:Uncyclopedians that believe Darwin evolved from a monkey|

Category:Uncyclopedians that believe George Bush evolved from a monkey|

Category:Uncyclopedians who are administrators on other Wiki projects|

Category:Uncyclopedians who believe George Bush must get arrested|

Category:Uncyclopedians who contribute to Uncyclopedia Games|

Category:Uncyclopedians who hate Uncyclopedians who hate Spang|

Category:Uncyclopedians who have found the Ultra Hard to Find Lemon Secret Ending in Everquest!|

Category:Uncyclopedians who voted for Why?:Categorise pages on VFH ]]