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A Libtard, known for its scientific name retardus liberalus, is a species of unmitigated maggots who get offended at the first sight of 'offensive' contents. Like all members of the Retard Family Tree, they get offended whenever someone descends from the collective hierarchy and accepted Retard Teachings. A Libtard pack is not particularly dangerous, but they are gonna stain your built-up career. They are most often found dwelling in Tumblr, getting massive copium after they saw a Cherokee pass-on Cherokee stories. They suffer from Liberal Intolerance Syndrome, where any slightly alternate opinion they are exposed to automatically induces stage-iv heart cancer.

How 2 identify[edit | edit source]

  • They complain whenever a piece of media written in the 1950s (or God forbid, even earlier!!!) doesn't correlate to modern liberal standards.
  • They believe that all things should be rewritten for modern liberal standards, ironically going against their whole message of 'don't do cultural appropriation'.
  • They think that if two characters from ancient mythology don't want to kill eachother, that equals they must be gay.
  • They think that 40-year-old guys dressed in women's clothing reenacting sex moves in front of children is appropiate. No I am not fucking making this up.
This is the top liberal dogma: serve the most opressed people in existence.

The Church of Libtard[edit | edit source]

One of the most popular religions in the world, the Church of Libtard