Liberty Bell

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Some asshole poorly doin' "the robot" while a bunch of onlookers become increasin'ly alarmed.

The Liberty Bell is an increasin'ly waste of space located in God's warzone (otherwise known as Philadelphia) and has dragged in many of tourists every year to see what a city has left after most of their pride is washed away after realizin' their fragile team will never be able to win another Super Bowl.

No Philadelphian would ever spend the time lookin' at a stupid fuckin' broken bell in the same place where they get dragged to work doin' overtime because their boss is a stingy rat. But hey, you gotta teach the kids a fun lesson about history and mass genocide by showin' them this shit-colored brass thingamajig that doesn't even do what it used to do.

History[edit | edit source]

The eventual future of the Liberty Bell

It was the 1700s, and the 'MURICANS were gettin' real pissy about spendin' extra pieces of paper and metal on leaf water. They had to do somethin' fast, so they threw a bunch of boxes of the sweet fluid into a bunch of water, which really showed those stupid fuckin' bri'ish people.

A guy named George Washin'ton was all like "Okay, I get that the Bri'ish people suck major balls but we need somethin' to make us feel more superior to a kingdom that controls half the globe." Then all his white-wigged freaks of friends talked about it, and they all agreed to take whatever looks cool and turn it into a monument. Obviously, Benjamin Franklin hadn't invented bifocals yet because they took down their bell and threw it out onto the street.

Eventually, the MURICANS created a paper called The Declaration of Independence – kinda like the rules in Fight Club but with words the average Pennsylvanian can't comprehend and no Brad Pitt. The United States of America was officially formed and everybody was happy (except for Blacks, Latinos, women, Native Americans, Chinese people, Irish people, and anyone who didn't have the last name "Smith" or a color of the monochrome rainbow).

Today, the Liberty Bell reminds us of all the racial slurs we shouted at everyone who wasn't the same skin color as "the norm", and the irreversible creation of a horrifyin'ly dominant capitalist regime that sucks in millions of people every day. Also, while you're at it, how about buyin' that new McDonald's meal from the celebrity that everybody simultaneously cares and doesn't care about?

The Crack[edit | edit source]

The Liberty Bell's only interestin' feature was caused by the 18th-century equivalent of U-Haul® when the bell fell out of a cart and over a cliff, sustainin' an ass crack down the middle. Many celebrated, but only until they saw the bell was still alive.

Conspiracy theorists believe Kevin Hart went back in time to crack the Liberty Bell as revenge for him his growin' up in the projects and "not takin' no shit from nobody".