Hearts of Iron IV
Hearts of Iron IV, sometimes just called HOI4, is a real-time grand-strategy video game made for sweaty Wilhelm the II larpers,[1] youtubers who smoke in the back alleyway, and mindless folks. It has received several DLCs, making the game profit even more than the GDP of Slovenia. In fact, it has been reported that after downloading HOI4, a Swedish spy is sent to your house to take all your money to be spent on DLCs. As a game made by Paradox Interactive, most of its player base rely on people who modify the game for any form of fun.
Despite the game coming out in 2016, more and more people keep playing. It has been confirmed, however, that the ~60,000 people currently playing the game are not people, and are mostly Russian bots. It is unknown if this is true however.
Gameplay[edit | edit source]
As stated before, Hearts of Iron IV is a game. Therefore, it has gameplay. You play as any country in 1936, from Germany to Yunnan. Each country has a focus tree, which is like a skill tree, but with 90% more filler gameplay. It also either does fuck all, or WW4. You can build infantry divisions, change their templates, train them, create a navy and air force, and many others. Each country is made out of states, and each state is made out of provinces. Hearts of Iron 4 also has a complicated political system, with there being 2 ideologies: Non-Nazism and Nazism.
The Money-Printing Machine[edit | edit source]
In total, the amount of money being printed directly to Paradox Interactive is batshit insane. In total, there are 6 expansion DLCs, 3 skin packs, and 3 radio packs. That is insanity. Only buy them all if you have no life.
Mods[edit | edit source]
Not to be confused with mods, as in moderators, but instead modifications.
- Kaiserreich - Has a Wikipedia article. Pretty funny, eh? Germany won the first world war in this one.
- The New Order - Not to be confused with Wolfenstein's TNO, Germany won the second world war.
- Cold War - Do I have to explain this one?
- Old World Blues - Fallout. Yes, that fallout.
Reception[edit | edit source]
Pretty good, I guess.
Notes[edit | edit source]
- ↑ Although it sounds like complete and utter gibberish, if you were in the community, it would sound completely normal.