Forum:Im trying to make a template for Illogicopedia, but cant Figure something out.

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Forums: Index > Help > Im trying to make a template for Illogicopedia, but cant Figure something out.
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I tried to make a template that would link someone to the Illogicopedia version of {{PAGENAME}} , But couldn't figure out how to do that. I would like some information. Here is the link: Template:Illogicopedia -Le Dumbest of Cats (talk) 18:50, 19 November 2020 (UTC)

Well, I sorta got it working. I copied a link from the Illogicopedian template, made a few tweaks, and it now appears to work on articles with one-word titles, like Texas, but it doesn't work on articles with multiple words in the title, like Donald Trump or Barack Obama. I'm stumped at this point. Hopefully someone else can help out. Obviously feel free to revert all my edits to the template if necessary. MrX blow me Emoji-drool.gif 23:43, 19 November 2020 (UTC)