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"Innocence at its finest."
Scientific classification

Nestae florpae, also known commonly as a florp (plural: florps), is a nesting hamster species that descends from Hell's fifth circle (Wrath) and is well-fit for its rainy conditions.

Appearance and behavior[edit | edit source]

The florp is usually comparable to the average hamster, but varies significantly in behavior and obesity. It's obesity is generally related to the cold weather of Wrath, it's circle-of-hell-of-origin, as fat reserves help maintain body heat. It's behavior is likely due to the very hostile conditions of Wrath's Ocean Styx, which make places near land quite wet and thus not preferable for florps. Florps reproduce by laying eggs, which is also in relation to the hostile conditions of Wrath, because the winds also make it really hard for tiny creatures such as a florp to fuck each other. It has great variation in fur, which change by altitude. (It gets more brown as it gets closer to the land)

Evolutionary history[edit | edit source]

The Nestae florpae evolved from the preceding Nestae cancerae, a type of hamster-like glowing green rodent originating from Limbo (the first layer of Hell), which also nests, though underground. It is unclear how it ended up in Wrath, but it quickly adapted, growing more fat to contain body heat, and much more bland fur that allows it to not be picked off by native Malicious Faces/Maurices.

Domestication[edit | edit source]

Come the 21st century and the growing similarities between Earth and Hell, Florps began appearing in Earth's rainiest locations, such as Ketchikan. It was quickly domesticated by mankind, but was, funnily enough, initially identified as some sort of Alaskan hamster, though connections to Wrath began appearing in the oceans near Ketchikan, resulting in it's origins being discovered.