“This number truely not mean any thing! Really!”
109007732774081 is a random number generated by Jabberwock. It is considered to be the epitome of randomness. However, people discovered some patterns in it.
Patterns[edit | edit source]
The most notable pattern is the four 7s appearing in groups of two. Further probability analysis has shown that it is just a coincidence. Other patterns include the absence of 5 and 6. A similar analysis shows that this is not rare among random 15-digit numbers.
Methods of deciphering[edit | edit source]
Unicode[edit | edit source]
Unicode, as everyone knows, is mostly a compilation of random nonsensical letters and symbols from random languages. It is widely used, though. To decipher the random number, the first step is to convert it to hexadecimal. The result is 6324 5730 94C1. By consulting the Unicode table, we get three weird Ching Chang Chong characters that don't make sense to non-Chinese people. It doesn't seem to make any sense at all. A different approach is to see the result as 632 457 309 4C1 instead. Then we get زї̉Ӂ. It is a mixture of random letters from different languages with random accents.
Number theory[edit | edit source]
Using complicated higher math algorithms, mathematicians found that 109007732774081 is not a prime. It is equal to 675079 × 161474039. The smaller factor is A4D07 in hexadecimal. If it is 13375P3@K, then it means AAdot, suggesting its relationship with the ancient Uncyclopedia article AAAAAAAAA. The larger factor in base-16, 99FE5F7, doesn't contain a single A or 4, though. Recently, Captain Obvious noticed that 109007732774081 is congruent to 42 modulo 109007732774039. However, he also noticed that any number x is congruent to 42 modulo x-42.