User talk:Zeta117

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Welcome To Uncyclopedia[edit source]

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17:11, 7 November 2006 (UTC)), Zeta117, your mission should you choose to accept it is to edit uncyclopedia with the aim of improving the utter rubbish found within its server hard drive, the data found here has been destroyed by IP addresses across the world, You must re-infuse uncyclopedia with humour or humor, depending where your from. A detailed mission statement can be found Here. Here is a guide to how to mingle with the crowds, and go unnoticed. On your mission use these tools to help you out of any situation:

Should you come into any unexpected problems please contact me immediately via my talk page. If our lines become cut you will have to rely on your survival training.

Your Better, Sir Silent Penguin Penguin foot.JPG "your site makes no sence" The illusion is complete 17:11, 7 November 2006 (UTC))

Rune Scape Nerds[edit source]

The people that play rune scape this is to you, I REALLY FUCKING HATE YOU. People runescape was made so loser that play it have something to talk about. The attack of the rune scape nerds happened about 3 years ago, they flooded over the world, the only army that stood a chance was the KITTEN HUFFER army. The emo people had no chance not even, the little hobbits. Many great heroes had fallen to the nerdy army, like Mr. Rogers, Sonic, The Mail Man, Kenny, Optimas Prime, and yes even *cries* Master Chief. The shitty nerdy army, fought like pussies but they had numbers to thier army. [[Image:South_park_wow.jpg| The world was falling to the rune scape nerds fast and all armies were falling under there stuff. Robocop ( master chiefs mom) and mario married during the war and had little Robot plumbers as children to hopefully fight off the nerds. But the robot plumbers got there ass kicked by the robot hateing, Chuck Norris. 2 Years ago the Nerd army was hurt but still kicking heroes asses, the next to die were, Godzilla, Batman( the only reason Batman died was because he, spiderman, and super man got in an argumant over who was the gayest, the victor came out to be sadly, Tony the Tiger. Barney died fighting furiosly and so did the last of the ninja army. They took out many nerds with there final blow of the cottage cheese bomb. Chuck Norris was considered MIA ( for the 1/4 of americans that are retarded (stated by Kyle in south park) it is Missing In Action, or Milf Is Asome) but caught on tape was him fighting a battle. It shows him retracting his balls for defencive purposes, pullin out a piece of Balonie and beating the shit out of one of the Rune Scape Nerd Commanders ( micheal Johnson). But that was when he was last seen. The war was soon comming to an end when one last army stood to fight. The WOW ( World of Warcraft) players came together and the level 80's were in the front and the noobs were in the back. The battle started and computers flew all over one hitting Madona in the face and another hitting a care bare in his gay smile. Hot pockets were going crazy flying in the air.