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the blueshirts

  1. REDIRECT facts
Are a group of radical blue power ranger fan club

These fanboys lead by there precher Jesus christ [1] are so committed to there glorious leader blue power ranger that in 1932 during the Spanish civil war [2] they served the facist leader who told them that he would make the only thing on TV be power rangers this offer drove than to assemble a facist group in Ireland only to be banned by Éamon de valera [3] former leader of communist Peru this act of being banned lead to attacking of unarmed dwarfs this act lead to a holy crusade Wich the Blueshirts went into hiding

After 5 years of hiding that returned just as work war 2 started they quickly marched into battle only to be beaten by a one armed man by the name of chung ling that angered the Blueshirts so after regrouping they used all there strength to summon a 49ft tall blue power ranger to smite down there enemy's only for him to trip on a trench and die

  1. Jesus christ
  2. Spanish civil war
  3. Éamon de Valera