User:Vosnul/Infinite banana

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Artist sketch of the illustrious infinite banana

The infinite banana is a well known thought experiment within the science community. It was thought up by the infamous Astronomer and general nutcase Fritz Zwicky. At a diner party for colleagues, Zwicky proposed the thought experiment in reaction to an ongoing debate about the possibility of a foamy, possibly, infinite multivers. Most colleagues where stuck with unbelief finding themselves without words for this proposition, others where stuck by a chair in there back swung by Zwicky himself mostly due to the fact that by all account Zwicky still qualified as a malevolent madman.

Original Concept or proposition[edit | edit source]

The Infinite banana thought experiment by Fritz Zwicky goes like this

Imagine an infinite banana.

That is just about it. There is no more, well, all right there is.

Conception[edit | edit source]

OK, maybe it may take some more explaining for you to finally grasp the concept of bananas that equal infinity. The whole thought experiment is, after all, not very clear in it's purpose and lets not forget that a raving lunatic thought it up in the first place. For the Experiment itself seems to lack any form of self explanatory qualities like Experiments with (*1) cats in boxed connected to cyanide flasks that will be triggered by the decaying nucleus of a semi stable element Or even the famous einsteinian thought experiment (*2) concerning 2 space travellers speeding ahead with a velocity more then half the speed of light trying to get the time from each others clocks.

  • 1 Erwin Schrödinger is of course very much so self explanatory, and in this light it is really remarkable that people on parody site like this still try to make fun of it , Please, please think of those poor kittens, please.
  • 2 This experiment resulted in the common knowledge that time travel is the deluxe way of arriving somewhere early

An important detail that should not be denied or forgotten to be omitted is the context and tone in which Fritz Zwicky came to exclaimed the statement Imagine an infinite banana. Apparently Zwicky did not like the whole idea of a multiverse and in anger stifled the party attendees with this attributal that is now so famously knows and the Infinite banana. The following transcript has been made up out of reports written down by Berkley campus Police from the scientists that where still alive and conscious.

Physicist  #1 : Say, Have you heard about the multiverse theory ?
Astronomer #1 : Ahh, that one that explains why perfect universes are inevitable ?
Biologist     : you mean the one that demands Goldilocks scenarios that support life ?
Astronomer #2 : And dictate that the elemental forces are only bound to this universe ?
Physicist  #1 : That's the one !. What do you think Zwickmeister ?
Fritz Zwicky  : Shut the fuck up, that's not how it should be.
Physicist  #1 : But Fritz, This is right up your big bang alley! 
Fritz Zwicky  : Go shit yourself , I want to know nothing of this bullshit.
Philosopher   : But it does make a good statement regarding the weak anthropic principal
                with regards to the fine-tuning of the universal constants.
Physicist  #2 : Yes an infinite number of possible universes does seem like
                a likely candidate to once and for all sort out that mess.
                and it would also explain the multidimensional aspects of space time. 
Astronomer #1 : I agree, Fritz, you just can not write of this concept of infinity
                in numbers of possible universes. I'm sorry mate.
Fritz Zwicky  : Well then.. Imagine a fucking infinite fucking banana you motherfucker...
 ( Reported fighting starts here ).
Cultural Anthropologist : Sigh, Theoretical astronomers... Who else.

So with this information at our disposal we can safely assume that the original though experiment by Fritz Zwicky was more along the lines of Imagine a fucking infinite fucking banana you motherfucker opposed to the more often postulated Imagine an infinite banana.

But does this knowledge really influence and impact of the real meaning of the thought experiment itself ? Does it, for instance matter if the banana that is infinite is , in fact, fucking infinite ? Or does the fabric of the concept simply fade away if the banana is not fucking at all in light of it's infinity ? Does it even matter if the person capable of imagining a banana that is infinite is a motherfucker at all or not ? None of those thing really matter to the experiment itself, and on the other side you can rest assured that as a practitioner of this very same exercise you will not be required to fuck your mother nor will it make infinity or banana's copulate in any way or form.

Of course this is not matter for it is simply a matter of debating semantics and we have no need of that in light of the bigger picture in front of us.

Imagining an infinite banana[edit | edit source]

Lot's of people tried but to no avail, to imagine the infinite banana one must trully be insane. But lets just, for the heck of it, try.

The empirical approach[edit | edit source]

This approach just states "Start , and we'll see how far we'll come .

nanananananananananananananananananananananananananan.......... ehh etc.

Unfortunately this method got us nowhere and only resulted in people who had the ability to start saying banana but could not stop ( bananananana.... etc ).

The mathematical approach[edit | edit source]


and even

for reverence see :

The bat fuck insane approach[edit | edit source]

This method does do the trick but, alas, when you manage to pull it off you are condemned to total insanity for the rest of your life.

Imagine everything is a banana. Now imagine that the rest is shaped as a "the rest" shaped void within the banana and that void is precisely filled up with the rest. Now try to imagine EVERYTHING. You , me, the world, cars, porn, the milky-way, the galaxy, Michael Jackson. And for a final feat, try, just try, to imagine the complete opposite, which by very chance seems to be banana.

See Also[edit | edit source]