User:Uncyclopedian/UnScripts:The Young and the Uncyclopedians/178

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Episode 178: Username Battle[edit | edit source]

(Scene begins with Meganew and Uncyclopedian virulently arguing about whether or not to add Username links to the TYATU character list)

Meganew: I say we should!!!

Uncyclopedian: I say we shouldn't!!!

Meganew: Why not?

Uncyclopedian: Because High Gen. Grue said...

Meganew: He's dead!!! He can't do anything about it!!! Mordillo and the other admins probably also don't care! Only you, me, and several other people even care about this anymore! The admins probably won't do anything, so quit trying to stop me!!!

Uncyclopedian: Codeine's Mom.

Meganew: Screw Codeine's Mom! didn't mean it like that!

Uncyclopedian: TYATU pushes the boundaries of the vanity rules, but not to any stage where it is likely to be we are merely author insert characters.

(Engelsfair and Han yell at the same time:)

Engelsfair: Wrong wiki, you capitalist!

Han: Wrong wiki, you communist!

(Uncyclopedian facepalms)

Muganez: Hey, Engelsfair! Didn't I kill you?

Engelsfair: Oh, right... (Dies)

Meganew: Alright, Big U, here's a good question... If Codeine's Mom hasn't heard of the users, and she hasn't heard of this show, these Unscripts, and this Uncyclopedia, Why are we even typing here?

Uncyclopedian: ...Actually, CM has heard about Uncyc and has heard about certain users (Codeine). Lalala.

Meganew: Yeah, but she only knows about Codeine, and his character, Boris Codeinov, died in the first episode. Also, she has never heard of this show, or Unscripts.

Uncyclopedian: LALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!

Meganew: (Smacks Uncyclopedian across the face) CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW, MAGGOT!?!?

Uncyclopedian: By the way, since Engelsfair died in an episode that does not exist, he should still be alive, right?

Meganew: ...Oh no...

(Engelsfair revives and does a goatse)

Zenagum: There's not enough communism in that goatse! (Throws 12 active Commuflares into Engelsfair's goatse)


Meganew and Uncyclopedian: Deja vu...

(Zenagum takes off his mask, revealing that he is Muganez)

Muganez: Thank goodness I remembered!!! 1: This happened before. And 2: Ronalds will come in right now.


Muganez: No you won't. For I... Am... THE COMMIE SLAYER!!!

(Epic battle ensues between Muganez and Ronalds. Ronalds dies, but not after killing Muganez 23 times.)

Muganez: Thank goodness this deja vu is over!!!

Meganew: End the episode before any more deja vu occurs!!!

(Credits Roll)

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Season Two:

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Season Three:

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