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 Old man Score: -

> Go the old man.

The old man notices you coming. He picks up a sword from the ground you couldn't see earlier and points at you.

Old Man: "I know you Naughty Budgie things when I see them! Die!"

> Wait! I'm not Naughty Budgie! That's who i'm trying to frag!

Old Man: "I don't know what a frag is. All I know is that i've been after that Budgie thing in this PvP arena all my life."

> I know, it's easy to lose people in here. Imagine all the lost children.

Old Man: "You don't know the half of it. I spent 100 years gathering information on what lies in Naughty Budgie's tower. And all I know is that this key unlocks the door to get into it."


The Old Man dies out of shock because of your greed. You loot his corpse for the key.