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 The Budgie Report Score: 0

> Now what?!

You are in a red room. It resembles the set of the Colbert Report.

The audience is pretty big. They're all giving you a boo. Hang on, why does the sign say "The Budgie Report?"

> Budgie has his own show?!


Suddenly, the set disappears. Naughty Budgie is standing in front of you.

Budgie copy.jpg

> I don't feel well all of a sudden.

It appears that the graphic-intensive Budgie standing before you is taking up a lot of computer power to process. The rest of the images you see while Budgie is lurking around you may appear... crappy.

Naughty Budgie: I've been waiting for you, Grueslayer. It's because of me that you can talk. I created that slayercommand template you hold onto at night so dearly.

> What? But i don't...

Naughty Budgie: See? SEE? You're using it again! Come on, FIGHT ME LIKE A... err... WHATEVER GENDER YOU ARE!!

With that, Budgie disappears into that spiral galaxy behind him.

> WTF? How can I fight him like he wants if he runs off?!?