User:Simsilikesims/Why?:Wear a mask

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It can disguise your identity[edit | edit source]

Superheroes wear a mask. Supervillains usually wear masks. Bank robbers wear masks. Most people with secret identities wear masks, often to supplement their capes, bodysuits, and tights. Why? Because they don't want anybody to know their name. It is as close as you can get to in person anonymity. Eye masks sometimes are interchanged with opaque or reflective sunglasses.

It can protect you from the cold[edit | edit source]

During a freezing cold winter or frigid mountain conditions, a mask conveniently covers your nose and mouth, supplementing your pair of ski goggles and hat, or in the case of a ski mask, covers the whole face. This helps protect from frostbitten nose and chapped lips. When the weather gets cold enough, it is simply more comfortable to wear a mask than not to wear a mask.

Religious reasons[edit | edit source]

It looks cool[edit | edit source]

Masquerade balls were very fancy events even before 2020. Everybody likes dressing up, and pretending to be someone else. Some people like pretending to be someone else whether they are dressed up or not.

It is the trendy thing to do[edit | edit source]

  • Fashion masks, gloves, and designer hand sanitizers were the number one fashion trend in 2020, and it looks like this will continue into 2021. Famous fashion designers have created custom masks with their very own brand and style on them. Spring Fashion Week 2021 is expected to prominently feature some of these fashion masks.

It is relaxing and will make you beautiful[edit | edit source]

Masks are an essential element of a skin care beauty routine, and are often available as part of a spa treatment. Masks are excellent for exfoliating the pores and/or moisturizing the delicate facial skin.

Obvious health reasons[edit | edit source]

It is more comfortable than using a CPAP machine[edit | edit source]

It can tame your beard[edit | edit source]

It doubles as a blindfold[edit | edit source]

To be continued