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Dr. N. Toleránt's Informative Letter: An Informative Letter[edit | edit source]

Overall Humo(u)r:

8/10 - I found most of this pretty funny. The only weak point I found was the "characteristics" section of the fatasses category. It seemed to be repetitive, and too reminiscent of every junior high school kid's school bus ride talking about fat people, that I've ever heard. Despite this bit, I found the rest of it to be quite humorous, particularly the Freud bits, and the midget careers section, though others made me laugh as well.


9/10 - Well-written, and keeps the "knowledgeable yet prejudiced medical professor" style very well throughout. It felt like there should be some sort of conclusion on the end, but it's not that much to worry about.

Offensiveness/Bad Taste:

6/10 - As with some of the others I've reviewed so far, this is offensive in its own right, probably the most offensive I've read so far. But most of the offensive parts I've heard time and times again, lots of it coming from the aforementioned junior high kids who talk about fat people. It is still pretty funny, and there are bits where the offensiveness does in fact make the joke, but some of it's become watered down (though at this point, I'm wondering whether I've just become terribly desensitized).

Final Score:

23/30 - Nothing additional to put here really, see the above sections. It was a delightful read, and I think it'll have a good chance on VFH after the competition.


RAHB 01:15, 20 December 2008 (UTC)

User:RabbiTechno/UnNews:Solvent Abuse Amongst Jewish Teens Increases[edit | edit source]

Overall Humo(u)r:

7/10 - I like it. The subtleties started to creep up on me as I read further, and I like the feeling. It does seem to end a little abruptly, though that's not much of a problem.


9/10 - Well-developed concept, subtly delivered, good UnNews-style reporting.

Offensiveness/Bad Taste:

6/10 - The subtlety probably kills some of the offensiveness, but I'm sure you know as well as I how big a target Jewish persecution is for humor. Still good.

Final Score:

22/30 - I'm going to mention the word subtle once more, because I mentioned it in every previous category, for some reason.


RAHB 22:24, 20 December 2008 (UTC)

User:So So/UnNews:Used panties vendors in Japan accused of ingenuine product[edit | edit source]

Overall Humo(u)r:

8/10 - Extra points for being the most original of the articles I've judged in this competition. It's a funny idea, and kept me interested.


8/10 - The reporting style seems a little rushed at times. Other than that, well done.

Offensiveness/Bad Taste:

7/10 - Bad taste indeed, purchasing underage used garments. Tasty.

Final Score:

23/30 - Think it could use a prose touchup, but other than that, a job well done.


RAHB 22:34, 20 December 2008 (UTC)

User:Prettiestpretty/Short bus[edit | edit source]

Overall Humo(u)r:

6/10 - Retard humor is becoming a little overdone, and short bus humor is the most overused of that comedic denomination. Despite that, I did find this funny in a cute sort of way. But much of it I've heard before, and it's a little short.


9/10 - Well-written, the style of the retarded, naive young child is taken on very nicely. The prose is good, the formatting is nice.

Offensiveness/Bad Taste:

6/10 - It's mildly offensive, but most of the offense has become watered down in society's view on retard jokes. Perhaps not a good reason for a low score on this, but it could have been more original.

Final Score:

21/30 - See the previous categories. Well done, but not overly impressive.


RAHB 07:02, 18 December 2008 (UTC)

User:DrStrange/Gay Jesus[edit | edit source]

Overall Humo(u)r:

4/10 - I have to be frank and honest, and state that I really can find very little humor in this article. You have the ambiguous Jesuses which have been done to death, a shaky, hard to follow plot, and very little in the original gay jokes department. I do love that Atheist guy's videos, but the video doesn't count, as it's not something you created.


6/10 - I must also admit that, without even reading the article, this page gives me a headache. After having read the article and given it fair consideration, I can see no redeeming value in the format taken, as opposed to if the change in style had added something new and fresh to the table. Some points for a few of the pictures, and for trying something new, but I found it very hard to follow, and very little content that wasn't repetitive, or simply not funny, once I dug down deep.

Offensiveness/Bad Taste:

6/10 - Jesus is such a popular target for satire, it would take something astronomically offensive to score high, and that is admittedly the nature of the topic, and not the article, which is why you get a 6 instead of a 4 or 5. I admit that to sheltered, fundamentalist Christians this might provide quite a shock, but on a general scale, it's really not all that offensive.

Final Score:

16/30 - I like the idea of Gay Jesus, and I think some areas of this would do well if expanded upon. Particularly the note section was one that caught my interest. But this article, in my opinion, is a poorly executed example of it.


RAHB 22:17, 20 December 2008 (UTC)

User:Dogshead/Peter Sutcliffe[edit | edit source]

Overall Humo(u)r:

8/10 - I really enjoyed it. A very humorous retelling of the Ripper's history, and kept me interested till the end. It does likely require a bit of previous knowledge, which I luckily had (though I did read the WP article beforehand for good measure, which highlighted some of the jokes for me), but I find it to be pretty funny.


8/10 - A solid delivery, although there are more than couple grammatical mistakes, though they aren't a very big problem. I thought the slant on this was rather well done.

Offensiveness/Bad Taste:

7/10 - Very good, turning one of the most gruesome serial killers ever into a magician.

Final Score:

23/30 - I'd say this has a good shot at feature after the competition. I might end up nominating it myself. Good work.


RAHB 21:44, 20 December 2008 (UTC)

User:SysRq/Abortion[edit | edit source]

Overall Humo(u)r:

9/10 - I found this hilarious. The comedic slant on it is wonderful, and I loved the idea from the beginning.


9/10 - I think I found one or two grammatical errors, but otherwise it's a well-constructed article informing me of all I need to know about how great abortion is.

Offensiveness/Bad Taste:

8/10 - Abortion humor is also getting old, but this one does it in a fairly offensive way, and to a couple of different offended parties.

Final Score:

26/30 - Excellent little article. Should have no problem being featured, and a very good one to take the place of whatever old crap we've currently got filling that space.


RAHB 21:02, 20 December 2008 (UTC)

User:15Mickey20/HowTo:Hunt down paedophiles and cut their balls off[edit | edit source]

Overall Humo(u)r:

7/10 - There are some pretty good lines in here, though my complaint is that it's a lot of the same humor used in lots of paedo comedy. Still, got a few laughs out of me.


7/10 - Done in standard, HowTo, informative style. I like reading that style and writing in it myself, but nothing fantastic here, still everything is just fine with it.

Offensiveness/Bad Taste:

6/10 - Pretty standard paedo stuff, so I'm not really shocked into offended submission here. Still, shooting people in the balls and general kiddie rape is offensive.

Final Score:

20/30 - One thing I noticed about this was that it sort of detracted from the original HowTo:Hunt down paedophiles and cut their balls off, and became more of an informative article about how paedos are all over the internet, and how you should shoot them if you see them. Mayhaps make this a mainspace or a Why? I think it might do a bit better that way anyways. Still, a nice idea, and some pretty good lines in here.


RAHB 09:51, 20 December 2008 (UTC)

User:Mrmonkey72/UnNews:Local Racist Makes Plans To Quietly Mutter "Nigger" Under His Breath During All Of Barack Obama's Speeches[edit | edit source]

Overall Humo(u)r:

7/10 - Some good one liners, and the overall funny concept make it a delightful little read. It could be a little funnier in places I think, but it's not bad as is. Several nice subtle references to observational things, one of my favorites being the bumper sticker (my dad still has a fucking "Bush/Cheney 04" sticker on his truck, I mean what the fuck!). Not overly hilarious, but a good little article nonetheless.


8/10 - There's a large amount of quoted dialogue, taking away just a bit from the UnNews feel to it, though those pieces of dialogue add nicely to the overall premise. The point comes across throughout the article, not too abruptly, and not to slowly, so that's just right. I can consciously follow it without having to stop myself or re-read sentences, and the overall prose is just fine.

Offensiveness/Bad Taste:

6/10 - The most of the offense comes from the amount of times "nigger" is said, and it is coming from an adorable crotchity old man who doesn't know any better =)

Final Score:

21/30 - Overall a pretty good little UnNews. I love the concept, and it was fun to read.


RAHB 00:35, 14 December 2008 (UTC)

Totals[edit | edit source]

Tiebreakers decided by first looking at highest humor score. In the case of a tie there, I took the highest offense score. In the case of a tie there, highest delivery score. In a tie there, personal favorite.

1. 26 - User:SysRq/Abortion
2. 23 (8 Humor, 8 Bad Taste, Personal Favorite) - User:Dogshead/Peter Sutcliffe
3. 23 (8 Humor, 8 Bad Taste) - User:So So/UnNews:Used panties vendors in Japan accused of ingenuine product
4. 23 (8 Humor, 6 Bad Taste) - Dr. N. Toleránt's Informative Letter: An Informative Letter
5. 22 - User:RabbiTechno/UnNews:Solvent Abuse Amongst Jewish Teens Increases
6. 21 (7 Humor) - User:Mrmonkey72/UnNews:Local Racist Makes Plans To Quietly Mutter "Nigger" Under His Breath During All Of Barack Obama's Speeches
7. 21 (6 Humor) - User:Prettiestpretty/Short bus
8. 20 - User:15Mickey20/HowTo:Hunt down paedophiles and cut their balls off
9. 16 - User:DrStrange/Gay Jesus