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“I have nothing to declare but my love for Rockall”
~ Oscar Wilde

Rockall is a significant landmass located somewhere near England. Extending over 20,000 square kilometres, it has a significant and varied flora of lichens.

It's position, whever that may be, is considered economically important, as it is believed vast reserves of marshmallow may be located in the surounding sea bed.

Geological Formation[edit | edit source]

Rockall is made out of rock. Hence the name (see also name below). Err, right below at the moment actually.

Name[edit | edit source]

Different scholars variously atribute the name to Old High English, Old Norse or Japanese. It is possibly derived from the Germanic "ruck-well" meaning to have a good punch up. Another theory is that it is a descriptive name, coming from a more modern indo-european language, and simply meaning "Fuck all there but rock".

Disasters[edit | edit source]

Rockall is famed for it's disasters. None of these have involved any form of maritmie wrecking whatsoever. The single most significant disaster was the release from Rockall of Dawn French on to an unsuspecting world in the early 1970's.

Future[edit | edit source]

Experts generally agree that Rockall is probably going to suffer the same fate as Atlantis. In short it hasn't got a future. In long, it hasn't got a future, ironically in much the same way that Dawn French's career hasn't either.