User:Matfen/Good Game

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ABC Good Game Review
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Hello, and welcome to Good Game, the show for gamers, by gamers .I'm Bajo -

- and I'm Junglist. And this week of Australia day, your one and only source for fragging from down-under will be presenting a special in-depth retrospective of our show from the past three years; as well as bringing you all your news, reviews, developer interviews, and more gaming culture than you could shake a Wiimote at.

But enough of these stilted gaming references! Can you name the game for this week?


Hey Jung, is it seriously Australia Day this week?
Yes Baj, I believe it is. I thought all Australians would know that.
But you're not even Australian...
...My favorite day is "Cheer Up Keanu Reeves" day!
There is no such thing as "Cheer Up Keanu Reeves" day, and this conversation is irrelevant. Moving on.
June 15th everyone!

Name dat Game!


Name dat Game!

Good Game Review - Batman: Arkham Asylum


This time we were given the code to review Rocksteady Studio's Batman adaptation: Batman Arkham Asylum, and what an epic adventure it is.



That's right Jung. I really loved this game. It just contained so much fan service to the true fans of the comic books and cartoons of the 90s. Or at least it was for the half an hour till the review code packed up.

- Yes, I'm afraid our review code bugged out on us early into the game, so we can't go into detail too much, but from what we played we really liked. It could possibly be even a contender for the Game of the Year. Though as an ultra-l33t Batman fan, as well as being a hardcore MLG gamer, it was not without its disappointments.

I agree Jung. The one thing that was nagging me through the game was that you couldn't actually kill anyone. I was jonesing for an ultra-graphic decapitation or headshot in this game, and couldn't even manage to give any of the enemies more than a concussion. This was a serious oversight by the developers, and I don't know what they were thinking.

As a true Manbat, uh, Batman fan, I agree Bajo. Another thing that irritated me was that there was WAY too much vent-crawling in this game. It's like they wanted it to be a stealth game at times. Not good at all.

Definitely Jung. It could have done with some multiplayer as well. Any at all would have been nice. A complete lack of effort on Rocksteady Studio's side. C'mon guys! But let's continue: final thought's Jung?


While this was a well-crafted experience that adequately captures the Batman mythos, I still feel it's shortcomings let down what could possibly be a great game.
That why I'm giving it 6 out of 10 rubber chickens. Baj?


Totally. This game needed more multiplayer.
However, I get the feeling that if we had played more than half an hour before it stalled on us, there may have been some true potential waiting at the end.
So I'll give it a lulzy 6.5 out of 10 rubber chickens.


Good Game Review - Street Fighter 4



In 1989, Street Fighter was released and my mum wouldn't let me play it. But from the years of 1991-1999, Street Fighter II reigned supreme, and I had grown enough balls to to sneak off and play it without telling my parents.

Many fond memories arose as I played this game. Why, I can remember playing this game for hours on end, pwnerizing n00bs into defeat. Except until that chinese kid nobody likes turned up and somehow hacked the machine to make the character shoot fireballs. I never could figure out how he did that...

Indeed, not much has changed. Those bugs and exploitable glitches that plagued the original arcade machines are still present, and being used more and more as time goes on. The latest release, Street Fighter IV boasts a mix of all the old characters from the franchise and if this game wasn't an extremely unbalanced mess, I might have been able to enjoy it.

I know what you mean, Bajo. I was so happy that my favorite character, the electro-spammer Blanka had returned, only to find out when playing online that almost everyone had figured out how to use some kind of l33t hax and pull off moves that just shouldn't be there, effectively pwnerizing his green ass.


Exactly, there's just no chance of a fair fight when you're dealing with this appalling amount of mods and hax. Although at least there is any multiplayer at all, and the graphics are kind of cool. But let's wrap this up. Final thoughts?


It was nice to see an updated return to this franchise, and the graphics are very nice, as is the prospect of multiplayer. But like all the older versions of this game, it's just too unbalanced and wide open to those dishonourable gamers who wish the hack and cheat their way to a win. That's why I'm giving it 6 out of 10 rubber chickens.


It's always disappointing to review a game that has tons of promise, but fails to deliver; and this is one of them. With the massive potential for hax, there's just no way this game can be played in the button-mashing style that the developers intended, rendering it impossible to play. I mean, I've put in a good 10 to 15 hours and I've still yet to win a match. Although the overhauled graphics are certainly very nice, which is why I'm giving it 6.5 out of 10 rubber chickens.


Good Game Review - Bioshock 2
