User:Joe9320/Uncyclopedia Stock Exchange

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This is the Uncyclopedia Stock Exchange.

About[edit | edit source]

Here in the Uncyclopedia Stock Exchange (otherwise knwon as USX), we sell and buy shares. We are a stock market. No-commissions trading day every Tuesday. Shares updated every Saturday.

Each share costs the same as the share listed (for example, a share of XXX Corp. costs $30, but in thye next week it costs $21) plus a commission fee of $8. Shares can go either up or down, so if you lost all of the money, you're fucked.

Stock Exchange (USX Index)[edit | edit source]

Companies[edit | edit source]

  • SPSD- Space Pirates Software Development (Symbol for vote.svg Up at 87.33 by 70.83 from 16.50)
  • CBK- Central Bank (Symbol neutral vote.svg Steady at 41.23)
  • SCLS- Squeaky Clean Laundering Service (Symbol delete vote.svg Down at 20.00 by 2.19 from 22.19)
  • GTTS- Goa Tse Temple and Store (Symbol neutral vote.svg Steady at 23.12)

Exchange Rates[edit | edit source]

  • Wildes to UNSOC Valjuta (Symbol delete vote.svg Down at 0.0065 - 1 Valjuta = 50 Wildes)
  • Wildes to Yoinxx ((Symbol delete vote.svg Down at 9.2532322 - 1 Yoinxx = 1500 Wildes)
  • Wildes to U.S. Dollar (Symbol neutral vote.svg Steady at 0.03425489666215 - 1 US Dollar = 10,000 Wildes)
  • Wildes to Credits (Symbol delete vote.svg Up at 1893.1415926535898 - 1 Credit = 100 Wildes)

Listing requirements[edit | edit source]

To hvae a business in this stock exchange:

  • Your business must have an owner that earns more than $40 (☺$400,000/400 Valjuta)
  • Your business must have a bank account

Listing Requests[edit | edit source]

Get your company listed in the stock exchange now! Shares change every Saturday!

Goa Tse Temple and Store[edit | edit source]

Goa tse glyph.jpgGOA TSE TEMPLE AND STORE Because There Is No Goa Tse

About[edit | edit source]

The Goa Tse Temple was built by two members of the Goa Tse Clan in 1337 AD. In 1484 AD, the Goa Tse Store was open, where the Goa Tse Clan sell some supplies and food to passers-by, locals and tourists. To request an order, ask at the talk page. The Goa Tse Temple is also a stock exchange. Here is where to go if you want to buy shares. To buy something, ask for it on the talk page and it will eventually be delivered. If you want a job, request it on the talk page. After you buy something, you can just put it on your userpage for something to eat for admins and whatnot. The Goa Tse Temple and Store is founded, operated and funded by the Great Temple of Goa Tse in Q'ake Tu, Giratinaton, with this investment. Here is our bank account from the Central Bank of Uncyclopedia.

Members of the Goa Tse Clan or similar usergroup can receive a 50% discount on purchases. Members of Der Unwehr can receive a 10% discount on purchases.

Employees[edit | edit source]

Shares are updated every Saturday. Supplies and food are restocked every two weeks.


STOCK[edit | edit source]

(PLEASE NOTE: Prices are quoted in Wildes and U.S. dollars. Sorry, Valjuta cannot be accepted.)

Fruits, Vegetables and Meat

Microwavable Food and Fuck Goods

Clothes and Books

Video Games and Appliances


Vehicles (Giratinaton Loyola Dealership- Official Loyola Dealership)

Goa Tse Clan Signups[edit | edit source]

Join the Goa Tse Clan NOW! Memebers get a 75% discount!