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Pie Award

This user has been a good Uncyclopedian, and therefore gets pie.

Writer of the Month Award Writer of the Month : PieEmber, 3.1415926535897932384 ad. got an award from me!!!-BurningPie
I would give you the 'Burning Pie Award'...but...I ran out of you go!!! -Burning Pie

Burning Pie[edit | edit source]


History of Burning Pie[edit | edit source]

1) Born

2) Lightning/Oven/Dessert Incident

3) PIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

4)Here I am. No I'm over there. ->


6)Das Ende

See My Other Contributions[edit | edit source]

Salsa Wars/Warz

Pie Sages[edit | edit source]

Top: Cheesy Pie, Left: Kamikaze Pie, Right: Burning Pie, Center: ???

There are 3 Pie Sages in the world. They are Kamikaze Pie, Cheesy Pie, and Burning Pie...each has his own domain. Legend says that there is a forth but we may never know.

Pie Clan[edit | edit source]

An elite group of people who are exceptionally powerful in the ways of pi/pie.

Ppl in the Pie Clan:

user: Burningpie

user: Kamikaze Pie

Cheesy Pie