Uncyclopedia:Pee Review/Kim Possible

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Kim Possible[edit source]

Me and Lord Rama worked for a while on this article. It's pretty interesting. It's hilarious if you've ever seen the show itself.

Humour: 7 Surprisingly funny, despite being about a show on the Disney channel.
Concept: 6 Meh. TV shows have been done before, and communism/anarchism/fascism are somewhat overplayed. Still, not bad.
Prose and formatting: 5 Here is where you ran into a few minor issues. I fixed a few things prosewise, and I think that your should take a quick read-through of the page to see if there's anything I missed. Or, if you aren't good with SP+G, you could try UN:PROOF, and they'll do it for you.
Images: 7 No major issues, the pics were relevant and they weren't too poorly formatted. The 3rd one was what I found most amusing, because I liked the caption. That's the thing about pics, as long as they're relevant and the caption is funny, then the pic is funny.
Miscellaneous: 10 Points for making a page about a kids' show somewhat amusing, and for writing a page about a show I watched 3 years(maybe more?) ago.
Final Score: 35 An ok page. I think it could be better with a bit more work though. First fix up those grammar issues. (Remember, UN:PROOF can help out if you want.) Then, try to add a better ending, one that makes it feel more conclusive. Trivia sections seldom do that, so try to perhaps integrate some of those bits into the actual page. For a final section, maybe something about critical acclaim? Perhaps you could make a real ending with a section like that. Hey what are you still doing here? Time is funny!(There are puns in this show?) Get to it!
Reviewer: P.M., WotM, & GUN, Sir Led Balloon Baloon.gif(Tick Tock) (Contribs) 02:15, Sep 9, 2007