UnBooks talk:DownTheTubes

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Hardboiled crime writers wanted: I started this in a fit of creative diahorreah a few weeks back and have since taken it exactly nowhere, so I'm extending an invitation to all budding Raymond Carvers, James Ellroys and Ladies' No.1 Detective Agencies to climb on board the roller coaster of crime and corruption.

I propose that anyone who's interested add as much or as little as they like, from entire chapters to a single sentence. Take the story wherever the hell you please.

Only two things to remember: 1) It's set in the '60s; and 2) You get extra points for using outdated Australian slang. So if you've ever wanted to call someone a bloody drongo or a flaming galah or tell them "Don't come the raw prawn", there's never been a better time. -- Sir Armando Perentie Icons-flag-au.png KUN FP 03:30, 16 August 2006 (UTC)