Talk:Guidebook to the Voting Rights Movement related faces in the cloud

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To bring the red link over to the blue links half of the field. Aleister 13-11-'13

I'm putting this here because as I was writing it I was blocked by SPIKE for having a rant about something that happened here. So I'll post this, and finally bring over the updated copy of the article itself, which was featured there too (I was going to do that when I finished editing it). Can someone please grab the new photos used, I still can't upload things here. One is in the Goddess of Liberty secion, the other one is near the bottom once I post the page, so wait a few minutes. My post I was working on:

Did I...[edit source]

...expect for one moment that this would occur. No. I saw James Bevel's face in the picture back in although what it likely was is that my brain was seeing them all along and subconsciously knew they were there and then pulled them out one by one into my conscious mind, like some kind of damn temptress giving someone some more skin, until I started the Guidebook article (there were just too many to keep to one page anymore). I then took it over to ATS, where I still couldn't put up cropped pics, and tried to go through the images through words only. Some people called me a liar, but I kept 2008, about a month after he died and about nine months before I came here to have fun writing. At some point in my writing I decided to do a James Bevel page, and did that. During it I remembered I had found his face in the picture, and began an article about that. During the writing of the page darned in hell or heaven if more fucking images started to appear to me in the picture. One by one. Damndest thing, I felt like I was going through real internet magic - it up, and thank goddess some others began to see the faces where I described them. One of the best things that happened was user Baddogma, who looked for the JFK image I described, the guy holding up his thumb in a thumbs up sign at the exact same proportion to his face, and Baddogma said yes, he had found it. And described where JFK was holding up his left-thumb in a thumbs up sign. Only it wasn't the JFK I saw. I finally found what he was describing in words (he didn't post a pic either), thought it looked more like Robert Kennedy, and so......we had the two Kennedy boys (at least in our lunatic minds) looking down at the marchers giving the thumbs up salute. That was cool. When I finally taught myself how to find and use my photo file, the first picture I made was the one I call the Goddess of Liberty, tinted it so the dark background in the original photograph is turned into a blue background, and posted it. She's the best most realistic-looking young woman rendition of an image symbolizing the Goddess of Liberty that I've seen - she "feels" like the Goddess of Liberty should feel. She's made out of a fucking cloud. James Bevel was known as the mystic of the Civil Rights Movement, but even I never expected he could pull something like this off (of course talking from the lunatic point of view part of my brain who can actually see him with his eyes closed "floating above" the line of marchers.
Because of that I've told the story of the Selma Voting Rights Movement in a way where it releases lots of new information into the literature, and makes this page a part of the accumlulated literature of the history of the 1960s Civil Rights Movement. Did I expect any of this to occur, or hold back any of the images or their descriptions to write the article? Nope. And there's more. Aleister 18:08 30-3-14