Rock, Paper, Scissors, Thermonuclear Weapon

“While World War 2 is fought with guns and bombs, World War 3 will be fought with rocks, papers, scissors, and thermonuclear weapons, and World War 4 will be fought with lobsters, koalas. And tennis rackets with faces.”
"Rock, Paper, Scissors, Thermonuclear Weapon" is a grand-strategy simulator that many top army generals use to plan attacks, choose places to nuke, and settle that matter of who gets the final doughnut among the police force. It is based on the original concept of Rock, Paper, Scissors: the classic game in which the three powerful forces of Rock, Paper, and Scissors would duke it out to the death, using all manner of cunning trickery and espionage. However, this game was not without flaws - civil wars were common on all three sides (when both players produced the same thing), and quite how paper can defeat a rock is beyond the average human. However, in RPSTW, these problems are ironed out due to the appearance of the Thermonuclear Weapon. Join the Military!
How It Works[edit | edit source]
Described by George W. Bush as "The most relaxing way to pretend to annihilate France", RPSTW works almost like standard RPS, with a few of changes:
- The thermonuclear weapon defeats both scissors and rock, but is stopped in its tracks by the unbelievably hyper-amazing force of paper.
- In the event of civil war, a thermonuclear explosion is simulated. Everyone in the room must hide behind the sofa, lest they are attacked by amusingly-shaped turnips.
- If the other player is a North Korean, you're not allowed to always play paper, as that would just be unfair.
Paper[edit | edit source]
Despite terrorism, rising crime rates, the economy in a downward spiral, global warming, and them bloody eurasian liberals, the greatest threat to the American public is now paper. For years, the US military has tried to develop weapons that can penetrate the seemingly invincible paper. It has had nukes fired at it, it has been set on fire, buried underground, set upon by giant flesh-eating mosquitos and even had Rocks thrown at it, but it still only succumbs to one thing - scissors. The US military has experimented with scissor-bombs, but they ended up being outlawed by the UN because they cause the enemy huge embarrassment by cutting up their pants. Every US citizen has been instructed to carry a pair of scissors with them at all times, so that they could defend themselves lest they are struck down by a rogue piece of paper and are caused GBPs (Gross Bodily Papercuts).
How To Signify the Thermonuclear Weapon[edit | edit source]
There is a large dispute as to how the Thermonuclear Explosion should be signified. The most popular method is to wave your arms around like a lunatic, followed by a jump out the window. The downside of this method is that you may receive some injuries, depending on how high up you were when you jumped, and you won't know whether you've won or not, as you will have been too busy scraping your organs off the ground. A more sedate way of signifying a thermonuclear explosion is to simply kick your opponent in the groin, make sure that they're completely unconscious/dead, and exclaim that you've won. It's unlikely that they'll complain. Purists of the game, however, insist on bringing their own mini-versions of the weapon described, and detonating it at the correct moment. It is interesting to note that there are very few purists left.
The first world wide Rock, paper, scissors, thermonuclear weapon championships[edit | edit source]
The first and only R,P,S,TW championships were first suggested by the United States in 1945, They claimed it would encourage peace and brotherhood between Nations and help resolve the war for good. The League of Nations agreed and it was decided that the first championships would be held in Hiroshima later that year. After the first round was over, the committee in charge of the games decided to relocate the rest of the event to Nagasaki for the rest of the tournament. A second tournament was later suggested in 2001 by George W. Bush. The games were planned to be hosted in Baghdad, Iraq. The championship games were eventually canceled by Sadam Hussein, president bush and Hussein have been rivals ever since. They settle their differences by playing Risk: Middle East edition. Bush won, but only because he cheated (He blew Hussein’s pieces off the Risk board and then called his kid to clean up after him).