Presidential Football Classic

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Our Hero Playing Good Ol' American Football

Dick: Howdy folks, and welcome to the Presidential Football Classic! As always, I'm your host, Dick Willie Johnson, and I'm joined by my good friend, Bud "Lite" Bigmeat. It's a beautiful day on Thanksgiving for some good ol' gridiron!

Bud: We have the Presidents United going against Washington's Finest! In the baseball outing Washington's Finest decimated President's United and the game ended with a massive brawl!

Dick: Hell of a game that was!

Presidents United lineup[edit | edit source]

Position Name
QB George Washington
WR James K. Polk
WR Grover Cleveland
RB Abraham Lincoln
HB John Adams
TE Donald Trump
OT Jimmy Carter
OT Woodrow Wilson
C William Howard Taft
OG Lyndon B. Johnson
OG Warren G. Harding
K Andrew Jackson

Washington's Finest lineup[edit | edit source]

Position Name
QB John F. Kennedy
WR Richard Nixon
WR Ronald Reagan
RB Joe Biden
HB James Monroe
TE Barack Obama
OT Bill Clinton
OT George W. Bush
C Theodore Roosevelt
OG Dwight D. Eisenhower
OG Harry S. Truman
K John Quincy Adams

Bud: That's right, Dick! Our referees today are:

Position Name
R O. J. Simpson
DJ Davy Jones
SJ Forrest Gump
BJ Johnny Cash
FJ Elvis Presley
LJ Charles Manson
C Bill Cosby
RO Al Capone
BR Jimmy Blackman

First Half[edit | edit source]

Dick: And Washington's Finest is kicking off!

O.J.: Touchback!

Bud: Oh yeah! I forgot to tell everyone listening in! The referees, quarterbacks, running backs, and wide receivers are mic'd up. Though we'll only choose a few times to include what the players say, you will probably hear from O.J. a lot.

Dick: He can't keep his fucking mouth shut.

Washington's Finest Drive One[edit | edit source]