Plants vs Zombies war (Walkthrough)/Chapter 4

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NOTES: Read the List of plants and List of zombies before reading this.

This is the fourth part of your masochism.

Level 4-1[edit | edit source]

After the devastation of Zomboss's base in Japan, crazy dave teleports you to his base in China which is next to an abandoned factory. The greatest modificator of china is you need pure lilypads to plant on the second and 4th rows as there are puddles of contaminated water where you cannot plant on. Pure lilypads cost 25 sun unlike heat pads so watch out. Additionally, 5 zombies will raise from the 5-9 columns during the final wave in lanes 2 and 4, as ambush zombies.

  • Zombies: Regular Zombie, Conehead Zombie, Dynamite zombie
  • Unlocked Plants: Kernel-pult
  • Waves: 3

The new dynamite zombie is a zombie that is just like a regular zombie, but when destroyed, will release a dynamite onto your defenses and if it is not destroyed within 5 seconds, will destroy 3X3 squares of your plants instantly. Winter melon and snow pea will douse the dynamite, and they are paid. what's worse, the dynamite takes 20 hits, so you are guaranteed to see many losses. Eventually like 30 dynamite zombies will swarm the screen along with 100 or so regular and conehead zombies, so make sure you bring your winter melons and this will be easy. But it's paid so free players won't stand a chance. Absolutely no.

Level 4-2[edit | edit source]

  • Zombies: Regular Zombie, Conehead zombie, Horse Cavalry Zombie, Dynamite Zombie
  • Unlocked plants: Split pea
  • Waves: 4

Horse cavalry zombies and dynamite zombies team up to weaken defenses from all directions, so a strong offense is needed...If you can even build it. A horse cavalry will appear as the second zombie, a column of conehead zombies and Dynamites in the third and it is literally impossible to pull out some strong offenses. It's getting I wanna be the guy Hard in here, and not in a good way. Anyways, the only way you can possibly survive this insane Faggotry is using power toss, power toss and power nuke.

Level 4-3[edit | edit source]

  • Zombies: Regular Zombie, Conehead Zombie, Digger Zombie
  • Unlocked plants: Coffee bean
  • Waves: 3

This level introduces the new digger zombie, which digs to your back and eats your plants from behind. it is one of the few situations where I recommend the torchwood, despite you'll die anyway as torchwood fireballs don't do splash damage. Try bringing a power lily and a pumpkin can help you against this insanity by powering up your torchwoods, but chances are you will still die because they throw too much faggotry on you. Be prepared to have nearly all your defenses eaten; Those who did not most likely used a few powerups.

Level 4-4[edit | edit source]

  • Zombies: Regular zombie, Conehead Zombie, Buckethead Zombie, Solar Zombie, Digger Zombie
  • Unlocked Items: Magic taco
  • Waves: 4

The coffee bean enables you to wake up mushrooms so use it to wake up the fume-shroom, pop-up shroom or gunk shroom, but it's most likely the gunk shroom or fume-shroom. Even that, they won't help against digger zombies, so use split pea and torchwood, and try to block solar zombies from stealing sun. Another level that it's easy with premium as winter melons, gianuts, pumpkins, and split peas save the day; but impossible without as 50 or so digger zombies, 60 or so solar zombies, and hundreds of regular zombies conspire and overwhelm your defenses in all directions. And I doubt you can even go here without paid plants; the answer is certainly "no". And even fewer people had got past level 3-5. Those who did obviously became insane.

Level 4-5[edit | edit source]

  • Zombies: Regular zombie, Conehead zombie, Buckethead zombie, Dynamite Zombie
  • Plants available in conveyor belt: Pure lilypad, Beet, Potato mine, Iceberg lettuce, Wall-nut
  • Unlocked Plants: Lightning reed
  • Waves: 2

Dirt blitz! Every zombie in this level is an ambush zombie that comes from the chemical sewage, and all lanes in this level has chemical sewage. The only offensive plants in this level are beets, so you will need to shield them with wall-nut and freeze the zombies with iceberg lettuce, but it's far not enough as there are like 40+ zombies on screen at a time! Overall it's just fucking insane as your beets can only hit one zombie at a time, have only one square of range and there are way to many zombies, causing power up/lawn mower use to be inevitable. Overall no. JUST NO. Seriously. Why are you still playing this game?

Level 4-6[edit | edit source]

  • Zombies: Regular Zombie, Conehead Zombie, Hamster Keeper Zombie, Zombie Hamster
  • Unlocked Plants: Coconut cannon
  • Waves: 3

The Hamster Keeper zombie is an extremely dangerous zombie that causes a gigantic swarm of hamsters to flood the screen! a column of lighting reeds is not enough, you need two, because it's way too fucking insane as hundreds of hamsters flood the screen like crazy. There's still hundreds of zombies on screen in this level excluding the hamsters, so you need other defenses, like Winter melons and such.

Level 4-7[edit | edit source]

  • Zombies: Regular Zombie, Conehead Zombie, Football Zombie, Kicker Zombie, Hamster Keeper Zombie, Zombie Hamster
  • Unlocked plants: Starfruit
  • Waves: 3

Football Zombies and Kicker Zombies return in this grueling battle along with the new hamster keeper zombie, And starting from this point on 300+ zombies swarm the lawn per wave, and the second zombie In this level is a hamster keeper zombie so make sure you have a few lightning reeds ready if you can. Remember to Use gianuts to block zombies, lightning reeds to destroy hamsters and winter melons to kill other zombies and you are fine, if you can even set it up, as the zombie hamsters will be tripping over a few lawnmowers before you know it. Overall, this is just fucking insane; and is one of the worst levels so far.

Level 4-8[edit | edit source]

  • Zombies: Regular Zombie, Conehead Zombie, Sludge Zombie
  • Unlocked Plants: Cactus ball
  • Waves: 3

The sludge zombie is a new zombie that leaves a pile of toxic sludge that cannot be planted on when he walks and throws and poisons plants with his sludge, killing them. And he is so slow that all your plants will die before you can hit him. There is no way to counter this zombie, but cherry bomb and jalapeno will kill him and remove the sludge, while snow pea and winter melon will freeze his sludge. But these are all premium plants so you are literally screwed! Ha! Ha! Ha! But if you are a free player, why are you here? Nobody can answer. Not even the zombies or plants. Wait, Are you a zombie right now?

Level 4-9[edit | edit source]

  • Zombies: Regular Zombie, Conehead Zombie, Buckethead Zombie, Dynamite Zombie, Sludge Zombie
  • Unlocked items: note
  • Waves: 4

This is easier than the previous levels up to 4-7, but only with stuff like winter melons to freeze the sludge of the sludge zombie. Without it and the gianut, this is much more difficult as the sludge zombies kill your defenses while the Dynamite Zombies blow up your defenses before you can react. Difficult, but somehow a slight break.

Level 4-10[edit | edit source]

  • Zombies: Regular Zombie, Conehead Zombie, Buckethead Zombie, Dynamite Zombie, Digger Zombie, Hamster Keeper Zombie, Sludge Zombie, Gargantuar
  • Plants available in conveyor belt: Pure lilypad, Kernel-pult, Split pea, Starfruit, Coconut cannon, Cactus ball
  • Unlocked Plants: Gravebuster
  • Waves: 4

Place your Split peas in the middle, starfruit in the second and 4th lanes with pure lilypads, coconut cannons in the second row, Cactus ball right in the middle just like split peas, and Kernel-pults in front of the coconut cannons....If you can, this level starts with 2 gargantuars in the 3rd group of zombies and also starts to swarm past the first wave, with waves consisting of more than 50 gargantuars! Those who managed to survive this level possibly died of insanity, and had possibly become zombies as they possibly got a heart attack from fighting all the gargantuars.

Now this is the end of the chapter, but you need no introduction.