List of fake conditions

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There are many psychological conditions that people pretend are real but are actually fake. The following is a (potentially incomplete) list of them, in many categories, and a reason as to why they're fake.

Type of condition Name of condition Reason for fakeness
Neurodevelopmental disorders ADHD You're just diagnosing childhood. Every 16-year-old is naturally unable to not run around the house, impulsively blurt out phrases, be unable to resist asking a question, etc. If they can't, just raise your child properly and beat them repeatedly, swear at them, call them worthless, etc. - I was raised that way, and given that it's always been like that, it must without exception stay that way!
Neuropsychological disorders Alcoholism Alcohol is good for you, since it is made from actual food.
Mental disorders
(eating disorder)
Anorexia/Bulimia It's normal to not want to weigh 600 lbs.
Mental disorders
(anxiety disorder)
Generalized anxiety disorder It's normal to feel scared sometimes. I overcame it as a kid.
Mental disorders
(anxiety disorder)
Social anxiety It's normal to be shy sometimes. I was very shy in class, but I stopped now. Why the fuck can't you?
Neurodevelopmental disorders Autism Stop pathologizing nerdiness ffs! Anyone that really had this could have just not gotten vaccinated to prevent it.
Mental disorder
(mood disorder)
Clinical Depression It's normal to feel sad sometimes. Have you tried to go on a walk?
Mental and behavioral disorders OCD It's normal. No-one wants to get sick and die!
Neuropsychological disorders Sex addiction It's normal to be horny.
Psychosomatic disorders Cancer Cancer is fake because humans (as is every living thing) are designed by God. Human cells are thus perfect and is immune to destruction (aside from other creations of God, like viruses as they're also perfect)